Chapter 7

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Francis and I sat at the head of a semi-circle of men, mine on my right and his to the left of himself. So far talk has been of military strategies, what we have, what Darien might have, and spies we could send. So far, the alliance is fifty thousand men strong, with two hundred ships waiting in Carpo carrying the flags of both nations.

     The second-in-command of war representing the Torvan side rose as mine finished his theory of how to find where Darien may be. He was right; Darien wouldn’t be aboard the fleet that was in the channel. He’s not that inexperienced in the world of war, giving his upbringing. Looking to the Torvan general, I awaited what he had to say.

     “Your majesties, it is aware that King Francis has other family members to call upon for soldiers, but what of you, Queen Eleanor? Is there anyone whom you know to aid us in this conflict,” he asked making all eyes turn to me. I could feel Francis’ burning into the side of my face, wanting – waiting to see my iron walls come down.

     Buckingham looked at me as my eyes gazed upon him. I saw him let out a sigh before giving me a small nod. Turning to gaze upon the general, I rose my head high as I gave my answer.

     “My father’s sister. Queen Veronica of Fraus, wife of King William. I know - we all know that Fraus has been neutral for the past four hundred years, but I believe we could negotiate with the walled nation to break their neutrality for this situation.”

     A smile began to surface when a saw some nods of agreement until I heard Francis let out a laugh beside me. “What makes you think King William and Queen Veronica would give us their warriors?”

     The warriors of Fraus were the best. They fought like they had a vendetta and no one could retrace their steps, their moves. But they were loyal to whom they served, and would die by their own sword if they did not fulfill their duty.

     I turned to look Francis in the face. “Because Queen Veronica despises Darien as much as I do. I owe so much to her that crowns crafted by the breath of God would not suffice! Lord Cecil,” I said, now rising to me feet and turning to face the men. “Send a messenger to Fraus as soon as possible. If he can leave by sun down, he will be at the wall by midday.”

     “My Queen,” Cecil replied, bowing his head and leaving his seat at the table to do his service.

     “Now, good men of Torva and Alendar, let us resume,” I said, taking my seat, giving a glance to Francis who was all but happy, judging by how is hand gripped the arms of his chair.

      Immediately as the summit finished and I made my way to my office, heavy footsteps could be heard from behind me. Stopping in my tracks, I turned to find a very angry Francis making his way towards me.

     “King Francis, how lovely it is to see you, I swear I only saw you but a moment ago,” I said with a smile.

     Noticing we were alone, meaning no guards, no ladies, nada, this meant Francis was going to let me have it.

     “You are the most infuriating woman I have ever met!” Francis advanced towards me until we were literally chest to chest.

     “Good,” I said calmly. “It means that I’m getting on your nerves. You should be thanking me. Every new ruler must learn that not everyone will kiss-up, as one might say, to them. And trust me, darling, you haven’t seen the best of me.”

     Francis pinched his nose in frustration before looking down at me, his sapphires eyes burning into my chocolate ones. We stared at each other for a while, the tension in the air, but something else seemed to linger. Then, in a sudden rush, Francis’ face was adorned with a smirk and a muscular arm was snaked around my waist as I pulled into his chest.

     “Let go of me!” I tried to struggle out of his grip but I had no victory. What on earth was he –

     “You are the first woman to have not given into me. I’m impressed,” Francis said, his cool breath washing over my face. Ah, now I remembered the stories from the Torvan court. How the crown prince made women swoon, taking a new one to bed each week. Looks like his ways haven’t changed.

     Catching in off guard, I happily stomped his foot, earning my release as I stood back to watch my masterpiece. Francis hopped around in pain.

     “Good to know. And King Francis?”

     “What,” he said, shooting me a look of disdain.

     “If you ever try that again I will scream so loud that those who will come upon the scene will think you were defiling me. That wouldn’t look so nice for you, would it. So tread carefully, for you walk on a very thin line with me.”

     He let a laugh before saying, “Why would anyone believe you?”

     I shook my head before giving him a smile. “Let’s think. I am a woman of high standards, and you are a man of high standards. However, I have never laid with a man, so I’m a virgin, while you, King Francis, have a reputation with women that has spread throughout the lands. In addition, you are in my home, you are my guest. It would be disrespectful to go against your host, wouldn’t it? That is why I would be believed.”

     Francis was fuming now as he tried to control his anger. “I do like a little challenge, Queen Eleanor. You haven’t seen what I can do, and what I can do to you,” he said, somehow making me go cold.

     “Then let the games begin.”

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