Chapter 5

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“Attention!” McCormick shouted to the two lines of foot soldier and another two lines of cavalry. “March!”

     The procession departed from the palace, with my ladies riding behind me while by my side rode McCormick and Buckingham. I rode astride on my horse Eximius, a steed of bay, with dark mane and a white stripe running perfectly down his face. Magnus, my fire bird, flew over head of the party. As soon as we were out of the palace gates, people were already on either side of the cobblestone road, cheering and waving, some even throwing flowers onto the road.

     “Long live the Queen! Long live the Alagorian line,” roared the crowd. I smiled, making sure to look at both sides and give a small wave and a nod here and there. They were so happy, my people. And I am responsible for their overall fate. I have no doubt that I have most of their trust, for there are still a few who support Darien, but they are but a minority. I could hear the children say words of awe as they saw Magnus and some other fire birds fly in a synchronized flight. The fire birds are only found on Alendarian land and have been companions to the royal family since the first Alagorian king. As much as they are great companions, they serve as an upper hand in every battle and war. Fire birds are known as Birds of War, probably because when flying at certain speeds, their wings create fire; and the best part is that they blow fire, so they are kind of like little dragons or phoenixes.

     The palace was located in the capital, Nidus, approximately an hour on horseback, but on a nice day out like today, who wouldn’t want to spend an hour feeling the sea breeze and seeing the ocean side.   ******************************************************

     Boats large and small of different colors and sails adorned the bay of Carpo as my party rode through the main street. By now, we had just departed from the crowded streets into the open air of the bay. Before me at the main dock was the Torvan royal barge. Detailed wood carvings were painted over in gold to made it as if though it was adorned in golden vines. How typical of them.

     The Torvans were not only known for being great at war but also very, very, very, glamorous. Almost too glamorous. I myself had a fashion taste, but it was for refined than what you would see in the Torvan court. While ladies here look regal and respected, the women of Torva are pretentious and love to walk around in big ball gowns. I swear to God –

     “Halt,” shouted McCormick bringing the party to a standstill. Being pulled back from my thoughts, I realized it was time for me to dismount and meet Francis. Sweeping my right leg over, I dismounted swiftly, handing my reigns to a servant. Adjusting my tiara and patting my riding frock of dust, McCormick, Buckingham, and I set off, walking down the dock to the end.

     The talk that could be heard coming from my people who watched from the shore or from nearby ships came to silence. I kept my eyes trained on the barge in front of me, looking for any sign of movement. I had two hidden daggers attached to my garter in case things go wrong; precaution is always necessary. As we continued to progress, the doors of the barge opened, and then emerged a god.

     Okay, not exactly a god, but the man who descended down the ramp took my breath away, which was a first. He was tall, very tall; and built. His blonde hair moved with the sea breeze and his cerulean eyes twinkled as he took in the sites around him. He wore a blue cloak, but underneath you could see he was clad in armor. Looking back to his face, I noticed he had a bit of a stubble, but that was alright. As we were so great a distance apart, I couldn’t help it as the words quietly came out of my mouth.

     “Well, damn.”

I heard the two men beside me snicker and I prayed to the God on high that I did not blush or fluster when Francis came to look upon me, his eyes seeming to darken a little. What? Our eyes stared into the others for a good moment before he broke it to finish his descent. Pulling myself together, I led my trio to welcome him, making sure I didn’t trip over myself.

Still too far to hear us, I said aloud, “He was right about the hair.” I mean, look at it! It was . . . oh, I don’t know . . . voluminous, but subtle.

It seemed as if time froze around us as we were finally a good yard away. I swear, my eyes were deceiving me, for I thought that he mouthed a word that could send any woman six feet under.


If I hadn’t learned years ago how to remain composed when a man as gorgeous as he does something that makes you want to turn into a puddle of water, I would have been fanning myself furiously, trying to keep from turning red. The man radiated chivalry, charm, but at the same time, there was something about him that just seemed to scream danger.

Taking in a slow breath, I put on a smile when were finally face to face.

“Welcome to Alendar, King Francis.”

     Opening his mouth to reply, words of silk and velvet spilled forth.

     “Thank you, Queen Eleanor. It is an honor to meet the daughter of Richard the Wise,” he said with a big smile, kneeling on one knee, taking my right hand and giving it a tender kiss.

     Now, I wasn’t inexperienced with type of gesture. The first time I became red as a tomato, but I learned to control it and smile humbly. This time, it felt different. The blush was keeping from surfacing until he looked up into my eyes, and my walls fell down.

     “I could say the same about you. And my condolences for your loss. The Dragon’s legacy and memory will live on for the ages, that I think we both can be sure about,” I said with a smile, earning one back.

     “Now, how was your journey? I hope the seas were cooperative? And I apologize for how I reacted to your messenger. You were simply trying to be friendly” I said as he rose from the ground.

     “All is forgiven, Queen Eleanor. The voyage was calm, and we made sail at a good time. I’d like to introduce you to my family,” Francis replied, before coming to stand by my side, calling out a few names, Bridgette, Juliet, and Harper, to the barge.

     And out came the most prissy, conceited–looking girl descend from the barge, her bright pink dress that was a little to fitted on the upper area. She held her head up high, bring her hand up to pinch her nose as she grimaced from the salty air. Behind her came whom I assumed was her identical twin sister (who looked much more calm and covered) holding a small little girl in her arms who was fast asleep.

     Looking upon Francis, her face contorted and out came a scream. “Francis Alexander Chaillet, I can’t believe you brought me here!”

     I was surprised the sleeping child didn’t wake and I couldn’t help but have some sympathy for the calmer twin who rolled her eyes at the banshee.

Not looking at Francis, I couldn’t help but say, “Let me guess, your sister?”

     He let out a sigh. “Annoying, might I add. She is –“

     “FRANCIS!” Again screamed the banshee, picking up her skirts and making her way towards us.

     “Well this is going to be interesting,” I said giving a side glance to Francis, who chuckled and gave me a nod. He was gorgeous, painfully gorgeous, but I had to put aside the looks and look at his person. He is here upon my request to form an alliance to defeat Darien, not to make me swoon every time our eyes meet. Maybe we might get – no, I mean, that’d be nice, but I hardly know him. But what do I have to lose?

     Oh, that’s right, my crown and authority as queen. 

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