Chapter 23

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I understand that some of the text below was not complete so I have it updated. Sorry for the confusion! Also, comments and votes are very much appreciated! C'mon, we need to get back to the Top 50 (if not the Top 25) again! I love you guys for reading The First Queen, it means so much! Also, there may not be so many updates in May because I have my SAT, two AP exams, and finals. I promise though that after May 29, I'm all yours. I can guarantee that I will have The First Queen done before the summer ends and the new story that I mentioned started. Thanks again everyone for your patience. Much love from me to you all!

Now, enjoy the newest chapter!

The sky had cleared of the fog by the time the sun rose this morning. The fog's absence allowed for a better visual of the ships waiting below the cliffs. It was high noon now, and I could see below me the men walking about the upper decks of the ships, some aiming the cannons up at us. By us, I mean me and about five hundred men lined up next to McCormick. Francis was at my left and together, to be honest, we looked quite heroic. Our capes flapping in the wind that swept up from the sea and our armor making us seem to shine. Along his left side were another five hundred or so men, all lined up with bows and arrows. After fifty of the soldiers stood tall, threatening catapults. Everyone was ready, even the foe. Francis and I just waited for a familiar face to appear from below. My eyes shifted from the ships below to look forward at the endless blue. My hair was entirely down, but the wind blew at me from the front, keeping any strands from making a mess.

"The wind blows against us," stated Francis.

"What are you thinking," I wondered aloud, moving my face to look at up to him. Francis moved his head to look down at me, his features contorted by concern and worry.

"What if your birds can't fly against the wind? Won't it be a disadvantage to us? Wait, why are you smiling?"

I shook my head at his question, letting out a laugh as I turned back to the sea.

"We are releasing a hundred birds right now. They have been trained to fly synchronized hence with the speeds they can reach, they will easily turn the wind to aid them. Quite brilliant, to be honest," I said, my smile never fading as I looked to my right to see the certain soldiers who were to release their bird. You see, the birds may be special companion of the Alendarian royal family, but until recently the birds have been given to certain soldiers who must pass a test to prove that they can become a Keeper. If they pass, they are given their bird when it is only an egg. Once it hatches, the two are inseparable - their bond can only break when the bird dies. If the Keeper dies while the bird is still alive, the bird will keep watch of its Keeper's family until the family performs a ritual to have the bird return to where they were first found by the first Alagorian king, in the Isle of Ignis.

"I bet they will put on quite a show," Francis said with a bit of playfulness in his tone, making me turn back at him with my smile.

"Oh, indeed they will. Wait till you see . . ."

My voice faded and my smile turned to firm line as Darien came from under and out onto the main deck. He too was adorned in armor, his dark hair being tousled by the wind. Darien held a smirk as his men on his ship and on those nearby cheered for him and rattled their swords. He didn't shake their hands or acknowledge their loyalty to him; I wasn't surprised. Once he reached a clearer part of the deck, he turned from his men to look up at his foes. Giving Francis and I a mocking bow, I heard Francis let out an unsteady breath.

"He's quite the character," Francis stated, his voiced lined with anger.

"He may have character but he has no soul, Francis. And don't breathe heavy like that. Darien could and can tell a mile away someone's emotions. We both got that from Katarina, the ability to read people well. So keep your emotions behind a veil. He sees that wall fall, you're done for."

Francis didn't reply. Well, he didn't have time to. Darien was making the first move.

"I'll make this short and fast," called Darien from below, "I want this to end quickly but only if I get what is mine. If you continue to fight me, I will make this war last for eons until I sit perfectly upon the Alendarian throne!"

The men on the ships cheered on their leader, shouting and making noise with whatever and on whatever. My heart went out for them a bit. They were rebels without a concrete cause. They did have a cause, to dethrone me and put Darien on my throne. It wasn't concrete because none of us on either side of this matter knows who will be victorious.

"Have you ever thought of what would happen if you succeeded in this," I asked, my voice loud so that all could hear. "Your glory will be short lived. The people will, my people, will bring you and this cause of yours down. I have always had a plan, Darien! And I plan with King Francis to win this! Keepers!"

Not long after I shouted my orders, Francis called upon his bowmen.

At Francis's orders, the bowmen belonging to his army stepped forward, all in line with their arrows lit with fire. The men on the ships began to scramble, obviously taken by surprise that this would start so soon. Darien shot me and Francis a look and went to assemble his men. The disorientation of his army was the perfect time to strike. Looking away, I turned my attention to Francis.

"May I do the honors?"

"By all means," Francis replied with a mischievous smile on his face. I nodded, turning back to the men on the ships.

"Bowmen! Keepers! Make it rain hell and fire!"

Attacking an army that was unprepared was not honorable, but then again, when was anything ever fair in war.

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