Chpater Fifteen

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"Dad, I'm sorry. I lost track of time."

"You lost track of time hmm..?"

"Yes Dad, I'm sorry." She walks to the kitchen past her father and he grabs her arm. "Where are you going?"

"To the kitchen Dad. I'm hungry." He lets go of her arm and lets her walk to the fridge, she grabs the carton of milk and grabs cereal from the pantry.

"Who dropped you off? And do not lie."

"A boy."

"A boy?" he says and narrows his eyes. "Who is this boy?"

"Just a guy from school Dad." he sighs. "Did you use protection?" He points his finger. "DAD!"

She is so used to her father always being curious about guys and her love life. "What?" he smiles. "I'm only asking Sweetheart. I would at least like to meet the guy." He says, rolling his eyes jokingly.

"Dad, we did not have sex. But sure, you can meet him only because you won't leave me alone about it." She smiles. "Alright then, bring him by Wednesday, I'll cook." Her dad is a retired cook and makes amazing food. Steaks in particular. "Ohh dad! Can you make steak please?" He kisses her on her forehead, "Sure, anything for my Baby Girl." He smiles. "Now, head up to bed. You've got school, remember?"

"Dammit Dad, why can't I drop out again?"

"Becausee.. You are going to be a smart cookie."

She giggles and jogs up the stairs toward her bedroom. She undresses and puts on a white tank top with grey shorts. She gets under the covers, and plugs in her phone and sets her alarm then puts the phone down on her nightstand with a sigh.

She stares up at her bedroom ceiling and replays the night in her head till she falls asleep.

"Get the fuck out. Now." She wakes up to yelling from downstairs. "Oh stop it, Blake, you and I both know our daughter is whoring around."

"She is not whoring around Lizzie, she is our daughter and right now, you are in my house, and you're disrespecting it. Get out, or else."

"Or else what Blake? Hmm? Are you going to call the police?"

"No worse, I'm going to force you out of my house." She gets out of bed rubbing her eyes and checks her phone. The clock reads 02:38. She walks downstairs. "Dad?" she says in a small voice. "Oh look, if it isn't Kaniah the whore of the house." Kaniah's eyes widened. She always feared her mother. "Mom..? What are you doing here?"

"I saw the camera on the front door and you were in the car with a boy."

"Yes, Mother. Can I not have guy friends.?" Her mother rolls her eyes. "Not unless you're sleeping with them." She hissed.

"Liz, that's enough. Get out. Last warning." Lizzie sucks her teeth and walks out of the house.

"My fucking gosh, she's annoying." "I know dad, I'm happy you guys got a divorce." She says smiling. "Yeah, me too." he plops down on the couch,

"Come here, Kaniah." She hesitantly walks to her dad. "Yes..?" She sits next to him. "You know I love you right?"

"Yes, Dad, what's wrong?" He chuckles.

"Nothing Kid, just wanted to make sure you knew."

"Can I miss schoo-" "No."

"You didn't let me finish!" She laughs. "Alright, go on." He rolls his eyes. "Can I miss school and come help you at the shop tomorrow?" She says with a happy voice. "Mm, let me think about it."

"Yay, okay. I'm going back to bed. But tomorrow, we'll talk about what.. That was." She points her finger to the door her mother walked out of. "Ugh, okay." Her dad says, rolling his eyes. "Okay, night dad. Love you!" "Love you too." He kisses her forehead.

She walks back up the stairs to her room and shuts the door. She gets back under the covers and falls asleep.




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