Chapter Nineteen

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We all unbuckle our seatbelts and get out of the car.

Ambrose walks to me with a knowing grin, and puts his arm around my waist and pulls me into his side and we walk into the restaurant.

"BENNY!" my dad shouts out.

He's known Benny since I was born. He had this restaurant since his dad passed away. He's like 50  something now. Benny gives my dad a huge bear and pats him on the back.

"Kaniah's here too?! I havent seen you since you were this big!" He puts his forefinger and thumb a little too close.

"I've never been that small Benny!" i say laughing.

Ambrose let's me go, and Benny wraps his huge arms around me, and gives me a bear hug picking me up.

"Benny! I'm not small anymore!!" I blush and look at Ambrose, and Hudson.

"No matter what, you'll always be my daughter! Even if this giant here says otherwise."

"Hey! I'm not a giant." Dad says chuckling.

"Well Benny, i'd like you to my...umm.."

I look at Ambrose and Hudson, and blush.

"This is Kaniah's boyfriend and her boyfriends best friend." Dad says smiling like he just won the lottery.

"I- what he said." I blush even more, feeling my neck grow hot.

"Hi, i'm Ambrose, and this is Hudson."

Ambrose shakes hands with Benny, and Benny says, "Noo, we give hugs around here!"

Benny gives Ambrose a huge bear hug, and looks to Hudson. "Come get in this boy!"

Hudson smiles and let's himself melt into Benny's arms.

Woah, they are hot. Forget the food, take me home and fuck my brains out!!

They step away from each other and Benny says "Alright, sorry folks, I love giving hugs and meeting new people." He smiles a huge smile. "I'll get you guys a table." He walks off and we are seated at a table.

We talk about life, school, and working. Everyone engages into the conversations we have and we all laugh and smile at the correct moments.

Next thing i know, everyone gets back in the car with their stomachs stuffed.

"I am soo full!" I say patting my stomach and sighing.

Ambrose chuckles, "Yeah, i think we can all agree to that."

"Blake, I had fun, everyone is so kind and caring. Especially Benny, i've never met anyone as caring as him."

"Hey! I'm right here!" I say from the back seat.

"Yes, I know babe." Ambrose laughs.

"Well take me home! Im so sleepy now."

"Oh, I know. You look completely drained."

Dad puts our address into Ambrose's phone on the GPS. And we head to our house. Thirty minutes pass. Me and dad make our way to the front door.

I look back and wave at Ambrose. "Bye guys! I had so much fun." I walk back to his car and lean against the driver side door. Hudson got into the passenger side.

"Me too," Hudson said smiling. "Me too, baby, now go get some rest. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

I skip back to the front door where dad left it ajar and walked inside. I look back again and wave at Ambrose and Hudson as they drive off.

I'm going to miss them.




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