Chapter Twenty-Three

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Kaniah's Point Of View

School.. What's the point of it? I don't know, all I know is that it's boring.

Right now, I'm in class, fifth period. History, the most boring of them all. After this, I have english and that's even more boring than history.

I don't understand why I can't just go home! I sigh, and put my elbow on the desk and lean my head on my arm.

I'm tired as heck! Considering I didn't get much sleep last night because my dad, and who I'm assuming is now his boyfriend, Mr. Frontman kept moaning all night.

I shiver in disgust at the memory.

I start zoning out of what the history teacher is saying. Talking about the scientific revolution or whatever..

I take my phone out of my jacket pocket and start playing a game till the bell rings. Then I'll be going home and be able to fall asleep!


-Bell rings-

"Thank fuck!" I say mistakably loud..

"Watch it." That earned me a glare from the english teacher. It's not like everyone else is this school says 'fuck'.

I roll my eyes and walk out the door of the classroom.

I make my way down the hall towards the exit.. it looks like it's been raining and I love rain! I'm most definitely walking home.

I don't really have a choice since Ambrose wasn't here today, he didn't even text or call to let me know.. it's odd.

I walk through the doors and start making my way home till a car pulls up beside me slowly. (still in the school parking lot).

"Need a ride, Kaniah?" Hudson calls out from his car.

"Oh hey! And no, I'm going to walk home, it's nice out," I smile and walk at a slower pace.

He turns his head to look at the sky.. he turns back to eyebrow raised.

"If you get a cold, Ambrose will beat my ass. Walk fast, yes?"

I nod. "I'll walk fast," My cheeks heat up at his intense gaze.

"W-what? Is there something in my hair?" I subconsciously run my fingers through my hair and he chuckles.

"No, princess, you're beautiful," He smiled.

My neck starts to heat up all the way to my soft cheeks, "O-ok.." I smile and pick up my pace a little. "See you, Monday?!" The fucking weekend!

"See you, Monday, little one." And he sped off.


I continued walking for a couple minutes kind of getting lost. I knew I should've taken that ride! I'm so.. ugh! It gets dark earlier in the day right after school.

And right now.. it's getting dark. I can still see, but It's nerve racking.. I am so far from home, what the hell.

I take out my phone and type in my address, and it's taking me back the same direction I just came.

23 minutes?!! No one has time for this! I sigh, walking the other direction, preparing myself for this long ass walk.

When I walk home, I have to walk past an alley.. it's dark and creepy. Junk everywhere, trash thrown wherever and disgusting overall.

A guy.. Black hoodie, black jeans.. black everything standing in the alley facing someone. He's wearing his hoodie and he has something in his hand pointing it at a person on the hard concrete scrambling to get up. His hand raised at the guy, blocking his face.

It looks like a knife..? A gun..!? Am I about to witness a murder? The guy that's standing above the other person cocks the gun.. and you can hear it echo in the alley.

He pulls back his hoodie, and his black hair sticks up, obviously not liking how tucked away it was, then, flops on his forehead.

He says something I cannot hear and he pulls the trigger. The body not moving and blood spilling from his limp body.

The guy still standing pulls the gun back and blows on the barrel smiling. Who does this in the middle of the day anyway? Risky fuckers.

If Ambrose knew how much I was cussing, I would be over his knee, fifty spanks on my ass. Not joking. 

He's always so strict! The tall figure in all black turns toward me his smile fading. My eyes meet his gaze, stern green eyes.

I feel my eyes widen and I gasp. It's like he's looking through my soul, but he' far away.. I felt the urge to run. To just run wherever the GPS told me to, and go home safely in my bed.

I ran. And the mysterious man ran after me. He knows I saw him shoot that guy.

I see him pull something out of his pocket. A phone maybe? The gun was still in his hands.

Ambrose's Point Of View

I take out my phone running after this fucking witness. Why did she have to see me shoot that guy? This could've been easier on me, now we'd have to have two bodies to clean up.

I go to my contacts still running after the girl and dial Hudson's number putting the phone to my ear.

Hudson: Sup?

Me: I need you to gather some men. I have a witness I need to kill, she saw me-

His dumb ass cuts me off.

Hudson: I'm sorry- she..?

I sighed.

Me: Yes, she. I know how you feel about female witnesses but it has to be done, love.

He sighs and says 'ok'.

Me: Like I was saying, gather a couple men and get your asses down here quick. I don't want someone walking up on the guy I just killed and calling the police before we get a chance to clean up.

I hear the hesitation in his voice..

Hudson: Y-yea, all right, boss.

Me: Good boy.

I hang up and speed faster after the girl. She's a cute runner, reminds me of my little angel actually. I haven't texted her today, but Hudson said she looked worried.

Don't worry, baby, we'll talk soon. I tell myself running out of breath just a little.

I run faster getting closer to her and once I get close enough, I fling my body onto hers and tackle her to the ground.

She hits the ground with a heavy thump.

Ouch, that has to hurt. I didn't mean to do all that now..

She goes limp. I turn over her body and scan her face, her forehead bleeding. T-those eyes.. Oh no-


"Kaniah..?" I check her pulse. It's slow, but she's still breathing.

I take out my phone and dial Hudson again, he starts complaining then I shut him up and tell him to meet me at the hospital.

My Angel is unconscious.. What the fuck did I do?




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