Part 12

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Anika's POV

Everyone behaves normally as nothing happened and we are just another normal couple, nobody is willing to ask me if I'm fine doing this drama. Nobody wants to know what is beyond the walls of our room, well they might think it is my problem. If not for me at least they could ask about him. 

A husband only on papers, a lover unknown, dead parents... why is life so cruel for me. Every moment I spend here I complicate my life along with Shivaay's. 

Shivaay entered while she was thinking.....

Shivaay: Anika, Dadi wants to talk to you

Anika: About?

Shivaay: I don't know

Anika: You should know. She is the one who cleans your mess with me every time.

Shivaay: with all this time, Are you not done with me??

Anika: I wish, but you can never understand the other person's feeling, isn't it?

Shivaay: You know what, you will be free of my presence in this room for a week. I'm going to Mahabaleshwar for site checking.

Anika: Your presence or absence makes no difference to me, I'll go meet Dadi. 

Shivaay: Anika, 

Anika: Now what?

Shivaay: You are talking to Dadi like old times, you are having your fun chat with Rudy but when it comes to me you are Mad. You have forgiven them but not me? Why do you hate me so much?

Anika: Haa Atlast We have something in common, both of us have questions that we don't have to answer. ( She walks away ignoring the question)



Shivaay: Hello Kunal Chopra,  please sit down

Kunal: Yeah, thanks.

Shivaay: I wanted to show you the site property documents before we visit the site in person. We will be building a 1000 acre factory over there if things go fine. And I want you to clearly check for all clearance starting from building clearance to environmental clearance.

Kunal: Sure, Can you show me the original stamp papers so that I can verify them before we proceed.

Shivaay: Sure, give me 5 minutes I'll bring them. Until then please have your Tea. ( Servant serves Kunal his Tea)

Kunal: Sure.

While Shivaay leaves to get the document Anika passes via the arena...

Anika: Kunal Bhaiya... ( shocked to see him)

Kunal: Anika!!!,  where have you been so long? We were searching for you for two weeks. Cant, you inform us before going somewhere? I even looked for Sahil at school but they told me that he was transferred to some other school. Do you have any idea? Cant, you call us, we tried calling you but your phone was switched off. (Kunal is really mad at her)

Anika: Kunal Bhaiya, let me explain...

Kunal: Siddi was so much worried, we have even registered an FIR for a missing person.

Shivaay: Hey Kunal, I got the papers. Oh, wait are you in the middle of something? Btw this is my wife Anika

Kunal: Wife?

Shivaay: Yeah my wife.

Anika: Bhaiya, I will explain you...

Shivaay: Bhaiya? Do you have a brother Anika?

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