Part 15

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The moon was up glittering the entire Mahabaleshwar but not a soul was awake to see its wonder other than Anika. 

Anika's POV

I'm not angry with you Shivaay I'm just mad at myself and I have been trying to find peace for myself, for every word that I say in haste I weep all nights, I can't take out my anger on anyone else other than you, even with the differences we have, you are the closest one who I have now. I might fall in love with you if I don't resist and how will I face myself if I remember my past, I will be stuck between you and the nameless. Neither can I love you nor leave you...

Shivaay wakes up to find that Anika is not around him and searches for her. He looks at her standing near the balcony and walks towards her.

Shivaay: Beautiful isn't it? Many misjudge this place for its interior beauty but the actual beauty is during the night when the moon sits above the clouds between the mountains with stars staring at it just like us. But you are not others, your eyes and heart have the gift to see beneath most things. Just like all these is your life, Anika. (Shivaay continues to look at the moon but now Anika shifts her gaze towards Shivaay) To be happy you need not look at the past just enjoy this moment.

Anika: Since when you started so philosophical?

Shivaay: from the moment I fell in love ( they try to look into each other's eye for a brief moment)

Anika: I think it's late, we should go back to sleep. (shivaay nods and follows her to the room)

A NEW MORNING IN MAHABALESHWAR.......................

When Anika woke up Shivaay wasn't around her and it was already 11 AM and she found a small note next to the coffee table.

""" Late morning Anika,   I will be back around 5 until hold on to your mischief and have your breakfast/lunch. All that you have to do is to dial 9 from the landline phone in our room and order your favorite food. If you feel bored then walk around the lake, not Alone take your siddhi bhabi.  -- Shivaay Singh Oberoi """ ( A small smile brew on Anika's face after reading the letter) 

After a while, she knocked on Siddhi's door...

Anika: Can i come in bhabi?

Sidhhi: I was expecting you, come in

They sat next to each other facing the mountain view...

Siddhi:  I thought you would come back heartbroken, on contrary, you didn't come. It took two days to find out that you were married.

Anika: you knew already?

Siddhi: The next day I called Mrs.Oberoi regarding you and she informed me about the marriage.

Anika: yet you didn't inform Kunal Bhaiya?

Siddhi: For him, things are either right or wrong but for us it's complicated. He can't understand the emotional quotient of people, even mine.

Anika: Bhabi, have you ever thought that an injustice was done to you in this marriage?

Siddhi: No none can compel us into marriage other than our own will Anika, the fact that we both can acknowledge is no one forced us to do this marriage, we always had a choice. The sooner we accept the truth, life becomes much easier.

Siddhi was right, no one forced Anika to marry Shivaay, she always had an option to say no or run away but she chose to be with Shivaay. 

Anika:  Do you think I married Shivaay because...

Siddhi: ... because you liked him.

Anika: It was him, I thought it was someone else...(her love from the past)

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