une minute

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une minute

I find myself a child again: energy corsing through my tiny frame, my light hazel eyes scanning everything I can possibly read with such curiousity to learn what those funny symbols meant, bobbing up and down in my pink dress covered in emboridored butterflies of all colors and sizes.

I'm watching my father as he pokes my nose payfully and hands me a green lollipop in the shape of a heart. I giggle and take the sweet in my sweaty little hands, pulling it closer to my heart. My father presses a gentle kiss to my forehead and ruffles my blonde hair.

The wind blows through my hair and the noises of spring fill the air. It's a warm day and the sun shines brightly on the park. A few older kids run past me with a puppy in tow and a girl my age chases them as fast as she can.

""Ton cœur est fragile, mon amour. Ne laisse personne te changer. Tu es tellement belle et unique. Tu n'as pas besoin d'être une âme différente pour quelqu'un d'autre." He speaks in a serious tone and his eyes sparkle with wisdom as he stares into my young eyes, right into my young soul.

His words ring in my head like the bell ringing in our beautiful church down the road, signaling noon time.

Your heart is fragile, love. Do not let anyone change you. You are so unique and so beautiful. You do not need to be a different soul for someone else.

"Oui Papa."

"Non Lilou, je suis sérieux. Je ne veux jamais te voire changer pour la joie ou le bonheur de quelqu'un d'autre. Reste toi-même. Je veux que tu restes Lilou Labelle, d'accord?" He adds, the grip on my shoulder tightening. My throat gets tight and fear fills my body. I feel as though I am being scolded, though I know I am not. No, Lilou, I'm serious. I never want to change who you are for joy or happiness of someone else. Stay you. I want you to stay Lilou Labelle, okay? ""Je t'aime, ma chérie. Ma belle Lilou. Rappelle-toi toujours de ces mots. Garde les près de ton cœur, d'accord?"I love you, darling. My beautiful Lilou. Always remember these words. Keep them close to your heart. Okay?

"Oui Papa."

"Bon, maintenant, ma chérie, où est-ce que tu veux déjeuner?" He asks me where I want to eat lunch as he pats me on the shoulder, standing to his full height and grabbing my hand. His soft, familiar hands immeadiately melt away any fear that had been residing inside me. I stare up at him with those wide curious eyes and he looks down at me. "Émile's?"

"Oui! Je suis excité, Papa." I grin widely to express my excitement and pop the lollipop in my mouth. He squeezes my fingers and we start making our way to the restaurant.

And then the first minute is over.

seven minutes || a. griezmannWhere stories live. Discover now