trois minutes

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trois minutes

I'm nine now and the same excited smile rests on my face as we swarm into the school. Girls and boys of all ages push around me, surronding me like a school of fish. I feel safe swallowed up in the midst of all my peers. A school of fish groups together to intimidate their predators. I am safe. 

I find my small frame pressed against a bigger, stronger one. I look up into a pair of alluring brown eyes and staring at a soft pink smile. 

"Je suis désolée." I apologize, a thin blush covering my round babyish cheeks. 

"C'est pas grave." His eyes twinkle as he speaks. It's no problem.

I feel myself fall under some sort of spell as I watch him, my stomach turning and my knees going weak. His grin is so perfect I find myself watching it as it twitches slightly into the most gentle smirk I've ever seen. 

"Ton sac à dos est très jolie." Your backpack is very pretty. He adds, pointing at my father's old rucksack resting over my shoulders. I had patched on a few peices of flowery fabric onto it just last night. I smile in thanks. But before I can say anything, he leans into my ear and whispers, "Presque aussi jolie que toi." Almost as pretty as you.

My cheeks flame and I reach up to cover them with my hands. I'm too choked up to say anything but I manage the words. "M-merci beaucoup." T-thank you very much.

"À plus tard." I'll see you around. He winks and leaves me standing there in a place between utter confusion, joy, and nervousness. 

"Excusez-moi mademoiselle! Dépêchez-vous tout de suite jeune fille!"Excuse me, young miss! Hurry along this moment, young lady! One of the nuns scolds, urging me to hurry along behind the kids. "Allez vite à votre premier cours ou je vous envoie en retenue." Get to your first class quickly or I'll have you for detention. She adds in a snarl, flicking a piece of spit at me and cocking an angry eyebrow as she waves her pointer finger towards the classrooms.

"Excusez-moi ma sœur." I excuse myself and shuffle along quickly into the class. 

That boy. I liked it, I liked him, but I knew he would be trouble.

And, with that feeling of bubbly crush and apprehensive mind still resting in my gut, the third minute dissapeared as quickly as it had appeared.

seven minutes || a. griezmannWhere stories live. Discover now