six minutes

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six minutes

I am graduating from school and you have become an amazing football player. You are crazy busy and you barely have time for anything between training. But it's fine because I love you and I want more than anything for you to follow your dreams. 

In these past few years, the last years of school, everything got harder and that feeling of darkness spread everywhere, making me numb. People teased me whenever you weren't looking. They made fun of everything I did: my books, my high grades, my clothing. It never ended. The only thing I ever looked forward to was seeing you, especially after my parents started fighting. 

So I stood among my peers waiting to move on to the next part of my life. I thought this would take that sadness out of me but after the ceremony and I am wrapped up in your arms it barely feels better.  I want to cry right there and tell you everything but I can't. I don't want to hurt you. I am done with school and those people and I'm just starting out my life with you.

"Je t'aime." I whisper into your ear.

You kiss my cheek. "Moi aussi je t'aime."

Tears squeeze from my eyes and keep coming, the salty water falling onto your shirt, staining it with wetness. My mom pats me on the back but all I care about is your touch. You're the only I'd miss if I decided to leave because I love you more than life. These mean-hearted people in this awful world have messed me up so bad I don't know how to show my love to you. I don't know how to show you other than words and kisses. All I've felt from this world is hate.

I got hate from the girls who loved you and the boys who called me too ugly for you. I got hate from my family about loving you. Even the people who watched you play football didn't like me. I got people's attention when we fell in love because everyone loved you and they were jealous that I had your love. Despite knowing that, it still hurt like hell. 

I cry into you and you hold me tighter, whispering that it'll all be okay.

But will it?

And the sixth minute slowly darkens until all I'm surrounded with is black. 

seven minutes || a. griezmannWhere stories live. Discover now