City Lights -3

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Time skipped.

Riddhima was now 3 months pregnant. She was really enjoying this phase of life though it was really tough for her. No one was beside her except Vansh.Vansh was really tensed for the baby's future although he was happy.Everything was so uncertain! He was working harder than before as his responsibilities had increased.

He started for his work early in the morning and tried to come home early. So that he could be with his sweetheart. He tried his best to bear her mood swings and the tantrums she used to show. He tried his best to provide the things which she wanted to eat.

One evening Vansh came back home hurriedly. He was looking so tensed. It looked like something serious might have happened with him.As soon as he entered the house, he closed the door with a bang.Riddhima got really scared seeing him panting like this.

"Vansh!What happened? Why are you behaving like this?"

"Riddhima I need to tell you something important. Please listen to me carefully. "

"Vansh! Then tell it fast na! Can't you see that I am getting scared!"

Riddhima saw that Vansh had a big black bag in his hand.It seemed like the bag was heavy.

"What's that, Vansh?"

Vansh started telling the whole incident to Riddhima.


A young man got into Vansh's taxi.He told Vansh that he wanted to go to Ville Parle East.As said, Vansh dropped him at Ville Parle East. He got out of the taxi and paid Vansh the fare.He had many things in his hand.As soon as he paid the fare,the man vanished into air.It looked like that he was really in a hurry.

Vansh was really tired because that was a hectic day for him. He got out the taxi and drank water to quench his thirst. Suddenly he noticed that there was a big bag at the back seat of the taxi.He was astonished.As far as he can remember, he never carries such a big bag with him. He opened the zip of the bag and saw that it was full of money.He was flabbergasted.
He got frightened seeing so much money.
He could understand that it was the young man who carried this.He looked for the man but unfortunately didn't get him.

Flashback ends

Riddhima was gobsmacked after listening to this incident.

"Now what will you do Vansh? Let's go to the police. "

"No way Riddhima!"

"But why, Vansh?"

"Because we can do so many things with this money. Look Riddhima, think practically. We need money right now and this much money can fulfill all our needs!Then we wouldn't have to live like this.We'll be able to live lavishly.Just think Riddhima!"

And thud!!Riddhima slapped Vansh.

"How could you think like this Vansh?You are not the Vansh whom I used to know.You are someone else.You are not the Vansh Rai Singhania whom I love! Because that Vansh had such poweful ethics.He was an ethical person.You are not Vansh. You are his imposter. How could you even think that we could be happy with this? How?? We could never happy by claiming someone elses property.That Raghav Chowdhury had done the same thing with us.Do you want to stoop so low?"

Tears brimmed Vansh's eyes.He was numb after hearing all this.

"Riddhima, I am really sorry. I was so blinded by greed that I didn't even realise that the thing which is not ours can never be ours no matter how much we try to claim it.Please forgive me sweetheart. Please!"

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