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Jareth and I watched as fire erupted into the air in the distance where the statues stayed. The gargoyles cries rattled within me and I had to lean against the wall to stop myself from fainting. “What’s happening?” I asked looking to Jareth with sad eyes. “That, my Sarah, is the king” He said grimly before grabbing my wrist and helping me stand upright before pulling me further away from the statues. “What are you doing?” I asked him trying to look back. “Odds are he is angry because of you and I. Do you want to stay here and get caught and bring that fate to us?” He asked pulling on my wrist. I shook my head and followed. “That man is despicable” I said and Jareth just stifled a laugh. “And how is that funny?” I asked him angrily. “You thought the same of me five years ago. I almost miss the way you got frustrated with me” He said looking towards the sky. “You might be despicable, but that man is wicked” I said shaking my head in disgust.

Jareth chuckled and then stopped. “We stayed too long. We need to keep moving before he knows where we are” Jareth said turning and beginning to step over rubble. “How does he know where we are?” I asked. “He is more powerful than you think Sarah. He has eyes everywhere” Jareth muttered looking around cautiously.

“Sarah…” Jareth said slowing ahead of me and turning around. “Your curiosity with this man upon my throne will end very badly” He warned looking right into my eyes. “I want to figure out who he is exactly. I want to know how he thinks. The fire I saw, where did it come from?” I asked him. “It comes from him and if you want to see it up close, give me my crystal and be on your way” He said crossing his arms and leaning slightly to one side.

“Why haven’t you given me up to him yet then? Those statues told me I was valuable to him.” Jareth gave no reply at first. I waited for what felt like minutes. “Because he sits on my throne and he will not take anything else of mine. I refuse to let it happen” He said. My blood boiled as I listened to him call me his, like I was just some item. “When I find the crystal, I want to leave. Don’t you ever look for me again when I do” I said feeling like I meant nothing to this place. “And if you don’t locate my crystal?” He asked. “My punishment will be better than staying with either of you” I said walking past him to lead for a change.

A couple minutes of walking silently Jareth stopped and rushed to me. His arms held mine a backed us up behind a wall. “We aren’t alone” He whispered into my ear. Soon after I heard the growl of what sounded like a lion. My pulse raced and I clung to Jareth. “Calm down, it tracks by its ears. It hears your heart beating” He said almost too quiet to hear. A low growl came from around the walls from all directions like there were twelve around us but Jareth held up only one finger indicating the animal worked alone.

The animal’s growls grew farther away and Jareth yanked me along to follow him. We ran through multiple blocks jumping over rocks and silently avoiding the vines. The fog began to thicken as we got deeper into the labyrinth. I dug my fingernails into my palms to keep from coughing on the horrible fog. Jareth put his sleeve over his nose and I followed suit. It may not be as bad as the Bog of Eternal Stench, but it was a very close second. 

When we rounded the next corner Jareth took my arms and looked right into my eyes. “I need you to do something. This animal is only toying with us. I need you to run as fast as you can in the opposite direction I run. I will draw the animal out and deal with it there. Sarah, promise me you will go” He said with a tight lipped frown. I nodded looking both directions and he nodded his head. “There is an oubliette where you’re running, you will be safe there. Be careful, this one sneaks up on you” He said. Strands of my hair fell into my face as I jerked my head around after hearing another low growl.

Before I could fully see Jareth again from my distraction he was running. I stood frozen as a sleek black blur ran for him. Without another glance, I ran the other direction like Jareth told me to. I took deep breaths as I ran to slow my heart rate but failed miserably. The oubliette! Where is the oubliette? I yelled in my head.

Labyrinth: Saving the Fallen CityNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ