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Right when the gate slammed closed behind me, a knife was at my throat. I looked up with a shocked expression down kilotons arm to his hard face. He stared deep into my eyes. "You ran from me and expect to be welcomed arms open wide?" He asked in a low tone. The blade touched the cuts from the teeth of the goblin on the battle field. I kept my face straight for fear of giving him the satisfaction of hurting me. "Who says I left on my own account? One second I'm reaching for you, the next Jareth is dragging me through the middle of the labyrinth with threats against my life. The man is truly insane" I said holding my head up. His sword twitched before his grip loosened. I lifted my hand and moved the sword away careful of the edges. "I missed you" I said walking towards him not allowing my eyes to leave his. Kilton held his breath as I stood a foot away. His entire body froze as I reached my hand and touched his cheek. "How am I to prove myself loyal? Your good judgment is all I desire" I asked. "All?" He asked taking in the first breath in a minute. "At the moment" I said nodding.

               Kilton nodded at me and turned towards his castle. He strode forwards with confidence and I followed at his feet. I dared not look back at the closed gate where Jareth was left. Something within me felt like I was being stuck with a dagger in my gut.

               The doors to the castle creped open and Kilton turned in all his confidence to me. "Your room is still prepared. Would you rather stay there?" He asked. "Yes" I said striding towards him. He held out his arm to walk me to the room. "You will join me for dinner" He said opening the door. "Of course," I answered stepping in and closing the door behind me. I turned to my old room and walked to the window. I had a perfect view of the war. I closed my eyes tightly trying to breathe. The sounds of the war raged on out of my hearing and I sat watching the war for what felt like an eternity.

               A knock came to my door and my heart rate exploded into my throat. I swallowed my fear when the door inched open and a small figure shuffled in. "Engal!" I said shocked. She looked up at me with wide eyes. "Your back" She said frozen. "I was told to prepare the girl in the tower, but my knowledge extended no further than that on the matter. What are you doing back?" She asked approaching me like I were a ghost. In her hands was a dark black dress in my size. "I decided Kilton's proposal was better than my others. He is my future" I said to her with no expression. "I see..." She said confused.

               I approached her and she helped me put on the black, tight dress that clung to my chest and flowed to my waist before going out. Engal then tended to my messy and bloody hair. "If we had more time, you would bathe" She said letting out a huff. I smiled and twisted to see her. "Are you okay? Did anything happen?" I asked her. "No, he thought you were dead for so long and then his wrath towards us increased only a little when Jareth stole you away" She said. I looked her over just in case but when I found nothing of concern, I turned back and let her finish.

               Engal led me down the all too familiar steps and into the dining room. I stood with my chin up as Kilton looked up from a talking dark Warrior like creature beside him. Kilton nodded at the seat next to him and I took it. "Sarah, how are you tonight?" He asked. I looked up at him and smiled. "It is better to be free of my captors" I admitted. "I see" He mumbled looking at my arm and exposed wrists. "Our beginning bind is beautiful" He said admiring his work. "I could feel you every time you allowed it" I said raising my wrists.

            We sat looking at each other for a long time before food was served to us. I looked at Kilton with a small frown. "My appetite seems to have gone. Can we take a walk?" I asked him. Kilton looked at his food before looking at me and standing with a heavy sigh. "Shall we?" He asked. I stood in my black dress and took his arm. Kilton escorted me out of the dining room and through the halls. We walked mostly in silence except for a comment every once in a while about simple things. Kilton walked me to his throne room and I walked to the hole in his wall. My eyes drank in the image in front of me. The war grew increasingly more violent as exhaustion set in for the armies. So many creatures fell that I could hardly focus on a specific fight.

Labyrinth: Saving the Fallen CityWhere stories live. Discover now