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"It certainly has been a while" I said to Hedian as I stepped from the room Sarah's body was in. "When Jareth confronted me on the matter of you living, I was shocked. Thank you for coming to help Sarah. I understand you are the reason she has a very slim chance of surviving?" He replied. "Jareth had the thought first, it was I who carried it out" I said holding back a small smile at the memory. "Did you see into her dreams?" Hedian asked very interested. "No, actually I didn't. Her power was incredible. No one would have a chance to see even a glimpse" I replied steadily.

"Do you believe she will make it?" I thought for a moment on his question. "Her condition is very fragile. I was lucky to find any drop of life left in her. I believe the beginning of a transfer saved her. I started the transfer in the rift, but her body was rejecting it because of Kilton's hold on her. She got stuck between her human form and fae. Now, her only chance of survival is in her hands. The decision is hers whether the fae will take over or the human" I said grimly. "What happens if the human takes over?" Hedian asked. "If the human takes over, it is because the fae was never successful. If we return later tonight and she is still human, we will have to stop our efforts. Her human body is the body she will die in" I explained sadly.

"I failed to remember your brother" I said slowly. Hedian winced and I put a hand on his shoulder. "What is the news?" He asked. "Drawing out all the power consuming him is a very difficult task. Follow me" I said leading Hedian down the long hallway, distancing us from Sarah's room. I could hear Jareth's room before actually seeing it. The violent screams were agonizing. We came to the door and opened it slowly.

Jareth still had chains on his wrist when we walked in. Hedian cringed at his brother's appearance and walked towards him. "How do the chains help?" He asked. "We needed something tangible to draw out the power Kilton had put into his body. It's like sucking the venom out of a snake bite" I answered. He nodded watching his thrashing brother. The Warriors had attempted to reason with him but their efforts didn't help. Jareth just continued to scream and try to rip his hands out of the chains while muttering nonsense.

Suddenly, Jareth's cries came to a stop and he began to breathe hard. Hedian eased over to him and Jareth lashed out. He wrapped his fingers around Hedian's neck and looked into his eyes. A drop of blood dripped from the chain around his wrist where the strain was cutting him. Hedian looked into his brothers eyes and didn't react. "Where is she" Jareth asked in a raspy voice. "Would you like to see her?" Hedian choked. "Taken me to her now" He replied.

"Jareth, you will frighten her with the way you're acting. Control yourself" I interrupted, moving to the chains around his wrists. Jareth held his hand out, releasing the grip on his brother, and I unchained him. He stumbled forwards and his tired eyes blinked multiple times trying to focus. "Where is she?" He asked calmer. "She is in a room resting. Jareth, she sacrificed herself. Sarah destroyed the crystal that was keeping her alive. She destroyed herself and Kilton. We are unaware if she will return to us in fae form like we started or if she will slip away" I explained with authority.

"No, I saw her. She was in love with Kilton. She had his child. I saw her bring in the babe to witness me suffering. But she could not love him, he beat her, I saw the bruises" Jareth stated clearly confused. I put my hand on his panicked chest and push him a step back. "You were under Kilton's control. He could've shown you anything and you would've believed him" I said. Jareth clutched his head in his hands trying to understand what happened. "Take me to her" He seethed. I nodded. "As you wish my King" I said hoping he wouldn't catch on. Thankfully, he ignored his new title and followed me to Sarah's room.

We reached Sarah's room within minutes and Jareth immediately opened the door. Hedian and I followed him and stood a good distance away watching. Jareth knelt by Sarah's side and looked over her. Her skinny body was under the covers, leaving only from her collarbone and up not covered by the blankets. Her entire face was deathly white and her matted hair clung to her skin. Jareth took the sight of her in and looked away.

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