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Is this thing on? It is? Ok good. I've known Georgia since she was up to my knees in height. I've watched her grow up- her first period, her first hangover, her first time having sex. all of it. do i think she's attractive? yeah, along with everyone else on the south side. she's super fucking hot.

- v

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked Karter, ripping off my shirt. "I know you're still upset about your dad-" I said in between kisses. "I don't want to talk about my dad right now." Karter looked down at me, I looked back up at him. "They're gonna find him."

Karter sighed before laying down next to
me. "How come you always want to talk about feelings right in the middle of sex?" Karter smiled. "That's the best time to do it. When you're all hot and sweaty." We laughed.

"I'm really happy our relationship is out in the open now." Karters finger laced my cheek. "Me too." Now that Charves's protection was over my entire family I didn't have to worry about Lindsay anymore. So Lindsay can try all she wants to get Ian homophobicly attacked but it won't work.

"I mean I had a feeling my mom was going to be happy about it. She adores you." Karter smiled. "I adore her back and now that she's outside of the house my dad won't be a burden on your family for much longer." Frank only stayed for her disorder paychecks.

"I wouldn't say he's the burden." Karter was implying it was Karen who was actually the dark shadow of the family, despite re-dying her hair blonde. "Have you talked to her since the video?"

"Nope, don't plan on it either." I replied. "I can tell she misses you, george. she's turning to
older men to satisfy the lack of you in her life." I rolled my eyes. Karen's a bitch and she isn't
my problem.

"Wanna not talk about feelings anymore?" I smirked.

"So your sister really had the chance to leave the south side and go to puerto rico but she decided to stay?" Joshua asked me as we sat on the theaters front counter waiting for the next showtime to start.

"Yep. She's really stupid." I sighed. "I kinda get it I guess. I wouldn't want to leave my family either." Joshua smiled slightly. He had gotten a lot more attractive over the summer, way too young, but still attractive.

"But you know what I would want to leave? This job. It fucking sucks and fat Nicole ate all the pre packaged popcorn yesterday." Joshua huffed in frustration causing me to laugh. "It isn't funny! I hope the new owner fires her."

"speaking of the new owner..." I said as the office door in the back creaked open. after a minute the small bald new owner made his way to the front of the theater. "no sitting on the counters."

joshua quickly got off the counter, i took my time getting off. "i'll be back tomorrow. georgia-" his small fat hand crawled up my back. "if you need anything make sure to call me."

"of course." i shifted uncomfortably.

once he was gone joshua sat back on the counter. "that was weird." I nodded. That was the most uncomfortable I had felt in a long time. I had a bad feeling about him.

"at least when bobby owned the place he only came in once a week and every time he came in he was higher than a kite." bobby was busted for selling heroin otherwise he'd still be the owner right now.

I silently sent a prayer to god before opening up my mailbox. I pulled out the pile of mail in there and threw them all over the sidewalk until i got to one addressed to me. After all this waiting it's finally here.

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