Chapter 10

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She looked up at him in shock. Rowan had just said to stay of sight and he wanted to give her a tour?

"I thought we were to wait here?"

"We will stay out of sight I promise. We are only going to look around Rowan and Aelin's private quarters."

Eyeing him nervously Della accepted his still outstretched hand. He then tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow and escorted her towards the door.

"As I am sure you guessed this is Rowan and Aelin's private study. And here this way" he gestured through the open door "is the hallway connecting us to the rest of their quarters.

Della nodded her eyes taking in the wide hallway. The two had a taste for extravagance; the hallway was decorated with a plush rug and ornate art as well as small sparkling chandeliers hung from the hallway ceiling.

Fenrys pointed to the second opening down the hall "That is the dining room so we'll skip over it for now since you will see it in just a moment." Guiding her into the first open doorway they entered an equally ornate receiving room with several couches and chairs and a small table in the center.

"This is the receiving room, and that door there" gesturing to the massive oak doors on the other side of the room "leads to the rest of the castle."

Della nodded and scanned the room.

"Do they not allow servants in their private quarters?"

"They do, I imagine they just chased them away since you are here your Highness."

Della bristled again at the title. He chuckled softly.

"Do you dislike your title Princess?" Teased Fenrys.

She looked up him sheepishly. Her pine green eyes meeting his onyx ones. He really was stunning perhaps the most beautiful male she had ever seen. Not even the scars on his face could detract from his handsomeness. It was strange that he had scars, the Fae's swift healing usually prevented them, it must have been a very serious injury to have left a mark.

"Not exactly" she gave him a soft smile "you are welcome to call me Della."

He flashed her a reassuring smile.

"Well dearest Della, let's head back this way."

Turning back around and exiting the same way they came in Fenrys lead her to another door. He gripped the handle entering while saying "and this door here leads toooooo... the bedroom!"

Della giggled slightly "Are you sure you're qualified for this tour?"

"Ha no." He gave her a mischievous smile.  "This is the only part of the castle I haven't been able to see and I figured you're the perfect excuse to snoop around."

Whirling to face him she gasped "Won't they be mad?"

"Perhaps, but most definitely not at you" he said nudging her with his elbow teasingly.

As if her nervousness had summoned them she heard the front door groaning open. Fenrys grabbed her by the shoulders before spinning her around and pushing her out the bedroom door and into the hallway before closing the door softly behind him.

Della clamped down on her bottom lip to stop the laughter bubbling up. Fenrys settled for a cough to hide his own laughter. Rowan appeared in the hallway eyeing them suspiciously, behind was the ever surly Lorcan and that same woman from the wedding.

"Are you two alright?" Rowan asked slowly.

"Never better!" Fenrys chirped.

Rowan gestured for them to all enter the dining room. Della glanced up at Fenrys who merely flashed her that now familiar grin before once again taking up her hand and escorting her into the dining room, the decor matched that of the rest of King and Queens quarters both in extravagance and theme. With a round table being the focal point of the room. Somehow the dining table was already set with cutlery and dinnerware.

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