Chapter 13

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Della lay curled up on her bed with the book she'd selected that morning.

True to the description given by Fenrys it was a painfully slow start. Beginning a new book was always the worst, learning new characters and worlds wasn't the exciting part of reading.

To counter the painful beginning of the book was the fact that the afternoon was lovely, fall was just arriving to Terrasen so the air had a comfortable crispness to it. She knew Terrasen had bitter winters but this transition period from summer to fall was lovely. She'd thrown open the doors leading to her balcony so that she could appreciate even further the lovely Terrasen weather, it also gave her an excuse to bundle up in a fluffy blanket.

She'd been in the castle for 3 days and already she was starting to feel like this was her home. That she belonged and was wanted. Fenrys in particular had given that impression when he'd escorted her back to her chambers. She liked the male; he was caring and intelligent as well as handsome and funny. Did he have a lover?

You're here to connect with your father not to flirt with handsome males. Della thought to herself. Besides why on earth would Fenrys be interested in you. He is strong and brave and you are not.

Rolling over Della refocused on her book. That was another thing making this book so difficult. Her mind kept wandering, she'd read this page four times because she kept distracting herself.

The mornings meeting had given her much to think about. Never did she consider the blood oath. She wondered if one of the Lords or Ladies would try to make her swear it to one of themselves rather than Aelin. She knew that was highly unlikely, but Della was an anxious person by nature. How she had not conjured up such a horrible scenario before was beyond her. Although she was more concerned about her father killing her rather than swearing a blood oath. Still the thought of the blood oath to Aelin or anyone else for that matter made Della feel queasy. 

A knock on the door pulled her from her thoughts.

"Oh, uh come in!" She shouted. She hurriedly started to get up to greet whoever was at her door.

Footsteps sounded in the receiving room.

"I'm back here!" She shouted again. Still tangled in her blankets. Apparently she'd nestled herself in too tightly and now she was stuck with her skirt and blanket tangled around her legs just like she hated.

Her father appeared in the doorway just as she was standing up.

"Please," he said "stay comfortable, there's no need need to stand."

"Oh no I don't mind" she said standing and smoothing out her skirts.

He gave her a nervous half smile. His eyes scanned over her hovering on her face, they narrowed slightly.

"Are you feeling alright? You look a little pale."

"Yes, I feel fine."

He strode into her room further, "Have you eaten? Do you have a fever?" He raised his arm pressing the back of fingers to her forehead. His eyes brows furrowed "you don't feel warm." He said "when was the last time you ate?"

"Uhh" Della searched her mind. She had skipped breakfast on purpose to make sure she wouldn't throw up in the morning council meeting and lunch had just slipped her mind. But that wasn't why she felt poorly it was because she'd allowed her mind to spiral; not that she was gonna tell him that.

Rowan was already striding towards the cord hanging next to her bed. He hadn't even waited for an answer, he was too busy fussing over her.

Della couldn't believe her eyes, this world famous warrior was fussing over her. She was aware that the males of her kind were prone to over protectiveness but this seemed excessive even by fae standards.

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