Chapter 42

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Fenrys slowly calmed his breathing down and unclenched his hands and rested them on her thighs, absentmindedly rubbing his thumb along her leg.

Della realized how disheveled she looked. Her robe was pooled at her hips, her nightgown also bunching up at the tops of her legs and the neckline had dropped dangerously low. She hastily tugged it up and smoothed out her hair.

Fenrys offered her a slow comforting smile, "you look lovely."

She returned his smile, "I was thinking the same thing about you. It's not often I get to see you blush."

"This isn't a blush...I'm over warm."

She raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"You don't believe me?" He said in mock offense. "Dearest Della, for how much you do blush you seemed quite... skilled."

Della knew she was blushing, but plowed through, "well, your book recommendations were quite helpful." She teased back.

It was his turn to raise a skeptical eyebrow.

She rolled her eyes. "You are also not the first person I've kissed." He was actually only the third but that wasn't information she was going to offer willingly.

Fenrys seemed genuinely surprised by her response.

"Why are you shocked?"

"I just-" his eyes narrowed, "was it that one guard?"

"You mean the one you interrupted every time we even got close, because no."

"Then who?" He demanded.

Della gave him a playful smile, "I really don't think that's your concern." She was surprised at her own boldness.

"What about your father? Surely it's his business." Fenrys retorted.

"One I am an fully grown and I am older than you," she accentuated her point by poking his chest. "Two given he didn't know I existed the case could be made it isn't his business."

Fenrys cocked his head in confusion, "I thought where you lived was very remote."

"Remote in the mountains, not in a cave!"

"Still not many travel those mountains really only soldiers and merchants."

Della shrugged noncommittally, she then stood and picked up the book before settling into the bed. It was a merchant and a human healer, her and Annore had religiously avoided patrolling soldiers.

Fenrys rolled onto his side, propping his head up with a hand, eyes tracking her every movement. With his shirt still off it was quite hard to ignore him.


"Hmmm" she said with out glancing up.

"I hate to interrupt you reading, and I know you were enjoying it." His tone made Della so nervous. That was a voice of pure teasing and she fought the urge to cringe, "but you see," he began picking himself off the floor, " you're a princess of Doranelle and a significant figure in Terrasen. So it is of the utmost importance that we are aware of all ... relations." He prowled towards her. Slowly, eyes locked onto her. "I would hate for any surprises."

Della closed her book moving as slowly as he was. "I find myself doubting you." She moved across the bed towards him. Some invisible pull drawing her to him with a boldness she'd never felt before.

"You doubt my concern for you?" He challenged.

"No, not that. In fact I think the problem is you're too concerned, jealous even." She whispered the last two words.

"What if I am," he whispered back now standing at the side the bed, she knelt facing him eyes level with his jaw, he was so damned tall. "Would that be a bad thing?"

"It certainly would be in line with your..." she trailed off unsure if species or type or cadre would be the best word choice.

"My what, dearest Della?" He said hooking a finger under her chin and tilting her face up.

"Just you."

"Just me?"


"You look lovely."

"So you've said."

He moved his mouth to hers placing a soft kiss against her lips, "I don't say it enough," he pushed the both them onto the bed pressing open mouth kisses along her jaw and neck.

In the end Della was too nervous and did genuinely think it the wise choice to not move too quickly.

Fenrys had been perfectly understandable and respectful although he did quickly excuse himself to the bathing chambers where she assumed he took a cold bath.

The night had then proceeded as usual with the singular, delightful exception that Fenrys had just returned from bathing sans sleeping shirt and pants. She suspected that like herself, Fenrys dressed more modestly than normal since they'd started to share a bed. Clearly the kiss had shifted several things.

Fenrys unceremoniously walked to his side of the bed in nothing but his wonderfully short undergarments and climbed into bed. He had all the confidence of a male with stunning physique and years of both females and males swooning over him. Della herself was no exception, she tracked his every movement as he finished towel drying his hair in front of the fire place. Him being backlit by the flickering of the fire highlighted all of his muscle definition. Della ran her eyes up and down several times before finally meeting his eyes

Arrogant bastard, given the smug look on his face he knew what he was doing. "I don't mean to distract you from your book." He said with mock concern.

"I'd hardly call you distracting. This" she waved her hand dismissively at him, "isn't anything I haven't seen before." Della wasn't sure what had come over her but she was full confidence.

He scowled. She was having far too much fun making him jealous.

"What does that mean?" He asked, poorly hiding his irritation.

She smirked and gave a shrug.

"That's not an answer."

She shrugged again, and raised her book to hide her smile. So occupied by his muscles she had forgotten to maintain awareness of her surroundings and so Della squealed in surprise when Fenrys threw his towel at her!

Wide eyed she looked at him, book forgotten. "Did you just attack the crown princess of Doranelle?" She said in mock outrage? Placing a delicate hand across her chest to accentuate her royalness or whatever.

"No." He moved towards her.

"I believe you did."

He smiled. "Take it up with your father, I'm sure he'd be very interested in the details of the conversation, and what lead to this attack."

Della rolled her eyes, clearly she was not going to bring any of this evening up with her father no matter how relaxed he seemed about her and Fenrys.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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