Chapter 11

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Della was overwhelmed with gratitude for her father and perhaps her step-mother.

That was slightly strange to wrap her mind around. She had a 20 year old step mother who had accomplished more in those 2 short decades than Della had in her 2 centuries. But Aelin never made her feel less than for that, which only deepened Della's gratitude.

Still, adding to that Rowan and Aelin had placed her in a different much more lavish room complete with its own reciving room, dining room, bedroom, bathroom and walk in closest. This room was located in what Aelin had dubbed the "family wing" located in this portion of the castle were Rowan and Aelin's, Fenrys, Vaughn, Aedion and Lysandra and their young ward Evangeline's rooms. Dorian, Lorcan and Elide also stayed in this portion of the castle during their stays at the castle rather than the guest wing.

The fact that they had welcomed her so quickly had touched her heart.

It was also not lost on her that the majority of Aelin's inner court were lethal warriors and that if Della posed a physical threat that virtually every person in this wing of the castle could kill her in an instant. It wouldn't be necessary of course. She truly was just here to meet her father and more than that she'd never even held a sword.

Flopping onto the massive 4 poster bed Della tried not to think of tomorrow. Unsurprisingly, she was nervous. She knew her father noticed her discomfort but he seemed unsure of how to comfort her. Aelin once again broke through Della's distress with her quirky comments.

Della liked the female. She was warm and kind and she seemed to not care what others think, but also cared about others. It was an impressive balance she was definitely far more assertive than Della but considering her upbringing it was understandable. That was another thing to marvel at about Aelin, how the female smiled and laughed after all she'd suffered was miraculous. The same could be said for her father although he wasn't quite as outgoing as Aelin she could tell he was making an effort specifically for her.

Della did have the sneaking suspicion that tomorrow she would see a much harsher side of both at tomorrow's meeting. That she would witness the unyielding fierceness that had reclaimed Terrasen and defeated Maeve.

Rising with a sigh from the bed Della headed into the opulent bathroom to wash and prep for bed.

Somehow the walk in closet was already partially stocked. Aelin had explained that she could order dresses tomorrow but that she had taken the liberty to provide the basics. Della selected a simple white shift to sleep in, she detested sleeping in long sleeves, pants and dresses even in the winter, it always got tangled in the blankets and rode up her arms and legs while she slept. It seemed that Aelin agreed given how short the nightdress was. So sliding back into bed Della summoned her wind to snuff out the candles. The sheets were cool and smooth and she found herself drifting off to sleep.


She was shaking again. Della tucked her hands into the folds of her dress in order to hide her trembling but it was too late and her father was too observant. He turned to face her, slowly, so slowly as if he was nervous to touch her, he gently placed his hands on her shoulders. Looking up she met his eyes, the twin to her own.

"You'll be fine. They will be harsh but know that what they say will be in defense of Terrasen." Rowan offered "They have suffered a great deal and will be skeptical but give them time."

"Thank you" was all she could say.

Taking a step back from her Rowan interlaced his hands with Aelin.

"We will support you every step of the way." Aelin said resolutely before turning to face the door.

Straightening her spine and lifting her chin Della followed the two into the council room.

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