Chapter 2

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I knew something was wrong when I felt pain in my chest. My father said it comes from when your mate shift for the first time and she tries to fight it. My wolf was very happy too happy if you ask me, he's been asking to go for a run all day. I just didn't know my mate would be in them same woods when I decided to go for a run. I smelled her scent that means she's been running for a long time in a complete circle. I wondered what she looked like, I was sitting at the lake fantasizing about her. I heard her heartbeat and smelled her she was close as fuck to me. Then I seen her in wolf form she was beautiful her fur color was all white I shifted and walked up to her. I guess I startled her cause she fell in the lake when she came up she was shaking. I think we watched each other for a good minute before I heard soft sweet words coming out of her mouth."No you will not kiss her", I said to myself. But somehow her lips reached mine and I allowed her to stick her tongue in my mouth. She tasted so good I had to stop from kissing her..
"Can I see you again tomorrow", she said real low.
Sure same time",. I took off in the woods because if I would stayed I probably would've marked her without even knowing. When I got back to the pack my father followed me until I finally told him about my mate. You see thousands of years my family was cursed with this disease. And we went by the Green Pack,, If I had to choose I wouldn't choose this but sometimes you had to play the cards you was dealt with. The moon goddess was broken hearted and made the male werewolfs feel everything the females would go through. When I mentioned her name he ran up stairs and I couldn't help but to follow him. He pulled out some pictures of the alphas of of every pack. I didn't understand why would he leave his family also my mate!! I was a little frustrated because we are alliances with each other. I wonder if he ever checked on her, I tried my best to lay down and just sleep but I couldn't cause my mate was somewhere worrying about some stuff. My father told me after you find your mate you start feeling what they are feeling. I got up and threw some sweat pants on and stepped on my balcony. I thought about her long black hair with her tan skin color, she had dimples hazel green eyes. I couldn't get how her skin felt touching mines. I wanted to get to know her before we could get sexual. I went back in the room and laid down, I kept picturing her hands rubs my shoulder while I was kissing her. My hands found themselves in my pants, I stopped because I wanted this but to be between us. I turned on my side and dosed off.
The next day my father was banging on the door and asked can they meet her.
Dad she didn't even know she was a werewolf",
Well it's good the goddess sends the male to their mates right",
Yes", I said getting up walking in the bathroom to take a cold shower.
Son your mother would love to meet her",
Tell mother I'll ask her", I yelled out. After getting dressed I headed over to my company. I'm taking over my fathers life. I didn't want this but I knew I couldn't do my father like that he's been good to me and my mother. I'm bringing her to my house in the woods I built by myself, I placed it right by the waterfall. After work I went home and laid down, my mate was happy today and it made me feel okay for a lil while. I just could wait to see her. I went home and my second command was standing at my door clapping and congratulated me.
Boy boy boy my father told you didn't he",
Yep, so when are we going to meet her",
When she's ready I guess, she didn't even know about this kind of world and check this her father is Michael Mays",
Stop it, we'll why isn't she with him",
Obviously he left them, her mother is human",
I know exactly what I thought",
Damn soooo are you going to see her again",
Actually tonight, she said she wanted to ask me a couple of questions",
I won't crazy man, I'm not even thinking about fucking her",. He looked at me like I was lying, I was I just couldn't get her out my head. We walked in the house and he watched while I prepared dinner. "I guess I should be going don't wanna be in the way when y'all are slamming each other to the wall",. I just shook my head cause she's been thinking about me and sex today. I couldn't even fix dinner right, I had to call my personal cook to come finish what I started. I ran out the house and shifted mid air she was masterbating. I ran through the woods to make sure she didn't have anybody over. Then I heard something that made me stop in my tracks "Oh My God Charlie", she moaned. I wondered if she felt the way I've been feeling when I think of her since I felt her all day. I was about to sneak up to her window when I came in contact with another wolf. I growled at him, he turned his head and didn't even pay no mind to me he was watching too. I shifted back and reached in a tree I left my clothes at.
You must be her father",
Ahh, and you must be her mate",
Yep I am",
I knew this day would come but I guess I should let you know she's coming home with me",
No she's not,, she's coming to my pack as the Luna",
Hmm you think she would choose you over her father",
I mean she did tell me you left them all alone",
I've kept in contact with them",
Well she doesn't see it that way",
So what is this you think you can just claim my daughter and I be okay with it",
It's not what you choose big guy, she's my mate and I will fight for her",
Ohhhh I see,, I must be going my pack need me",. He took off running and I looked up to her room window and she was staring back at me. I just hope she didn't hear me and her father basically arguing about her. I truly hoped she would choose me. I shifted back and ran off........

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