Chapter 15

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Well today was the National Picnic for the Grand Opening of the school. I was happy everyone on the pack was happy. When the construction workers showed up they came to work. I was proud cause I was making shit happen even though the alpha was out taking a break yeah that's the way I would put it. Also BabyK was doing sooooo much better with his powers he even stopped moving his father to different places of the house. He would wake up in the morning and go straight to his daddy and sit with him. Last night I caught him floating in mid air laughing at whatever he was talking about with his daddy. I thought it was sweet that even though he's not here physically his wolf could be back and talking to his son. I got up and got dressed in a yellow spring tight dress and curled my hair. I didn't need makeup because my skin was flawless and beautiful. I talked to Charlie for a good minute while dressing BabyK he did not wanna leave from by his father. I thought it was strange but he didn't even wanna leave the house. He used his powers so that he was stronger than me. Charlie please tell him to come on mama has something to take care of. The next thing I know he was trying to stand up by himself, I ran up to him before he fall off the hospital bed. I don't know what happened but he was ready to leave the house. "Thank You baby , I love you Forever and Always", I said walking out the door. Finally getting him out the door we made it to the picnic, I put BabyK down and sat on one of the blankets enjoying the view. There was a band, A bakery with nothing but sweets, A hotdog stand and a drink stand. This pack really knew how to come together. I snapped out of what I was feeling and went to partake in the festivities. Sean was running around playing with the children, Kalup was blowing up the balloons giving the out to the children, Mrs. Charlene was painting faces. I decided to walk around and greet everyone all this was because of me. I was asked to come speak in front of the pack, I didn't even think I was suppose to make a speech. "Some of you may know that I'm the Luna of the pack, Months ago I didn't even know that I could pull this off without having the alpha beside me. I tried ways to help me cope with him not being here but then I realized this was exactly what I needed love form the pack and to also make someone else happy. I'll admit that I wasn't prepared to make an speech but I Thank each and every last one of you for making this happen I love yall.... Waiter can I have a glass of champagne, To Charlie your alpha we love you",. I was full of emotions so I stepped down and went to BabyK. For the rest of the picnic I enjoyed myself I danced with the kids and also with Sean didn't nobody dare to think crazy he's been here for me and I'm grateful for him. Kalup was with BabyK fussing at him for trying to get cupcakes to float to him. The games was so much fun but I was tired I cut the red bow and went home. BabyK was very fussy and needed his diaper changed. I got to the house and went to his nursery to lay him down for a nap. I changed him and took off my clothes to get in the shower. I heard someone knocking on the door. I put my robe on and went to the door.... 

"Sean what are you doing here",

BabyK mind linked me he said come here so i ran because i thought something was wrong",

He's taking a nap how could he mind link you, That baby and his powers come in if you want i was actually about to get in the shower", 

okay ill just watch tv till your done", he said. I went back up stairs and checked on BabyK he was still sleep. I jumped in the shower and I guess my emotions were to high I ended up crying in the shower. I punched the wall and hurt my fingers "Please wake up for me Charlie I truly miss you baby, I promise to show you how much I miss you",. I got out the shower and put on my pajamas and walked back down stairs Sean was in the kitchen making hot coco. 

Mind if I get a cup", I asked him 

Look i know you miss him but please stop stressing yourself about this he's going to wake up and when he do your the first person he's going to be looking for",

 I know its just i came here with him and now I'm doing it all by myself",

You have me and Kalup here, It doesn't matter how long it takes him to wake up well always be here for you,, Now dry your eyes tomorrow will be a better day",. I stood up and walked to him to give him a hug because he know just what to say. 

That speech was amazing though",

It was, i thought i was rambling on about everything",

Some would've folded but you are built for this",. I smelled a chocolate cake and  it it had me in a trance. I turned around to ask Sean did he smell that while BabyK was mind linking me and saying "Mommy daddy is waking up",, I ran out the kitchen and there he was standing there holding his baby. "Seannnn get out here Charlie is standing up holding the baby", I yelled at the top of my lungs. Was he actually woke or I was just imagining thing. He walked up tp me and pulled me so close and kissed me sooooo damn good..........

                                                    To Be Continued  

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