day two, michigan

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jolyne woke up to the sun's light peaking through her dark curtains. she rubbed her eyes, sitting up now to see sam on the other side of the bed sitting up and doing something on his phone.

"what time is it?" jolyne asked, her voice was raspy and a bit low now. joylne turned to grab her glasses and phone that laid on her nightstand next to her.

"seven, we should get going in the next half an hour. it's an almost five hour drive to lake michigan." jolyne groaned. the seven hours of sleep seemed to do nothing for her, and now she had to spend the next five in the car with sam.

"wah-wah, complain all you want, but these next two months will be so magical that you'll beg me to do this all over again." jolyne gave him a dirty look, which made him chuckle. they both crawled out of bed and to the kitchen. sam started to take the luggage down to his car, while jolyne changed her clothes into something cute, yet comfy.

"okay, everything's packed. we should get going, only a limited amount of daylight in these days ahead, and we gotta stop somewhere real fast." sam said grabbing the last of the things in the apartment.

"the sun literally just rose and your worrying about it setting?" jolyne grabbed her chargers and walked towards sam, who had her door wide open.

"daylight is precious." he chuckled, locking her door. walking down the stairs, she became relaxed, which felt like the first time in awhile. by the time she snapped out of her thoughts, they were already at sam's packed car. he opened the car door, which reminded her of when they were younger, making a smile grow onto her face.

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a pebble hit her window, making her head turn in that direction. an eyebrow raised as she moved closer to the window. looking down her backyard, she was greeted by a smiling sam. his hair was growing out, his bangs over his eyes and was all over the place. she smiled at how dorky her best friend looked.

she unlocked the latch that kept her window shut and leaned out the window. her curly, brown hair was blowing in the warming air of april. this was her favorite time of the year. soon, it would be sam's birthday, then his older twin brothers' birthday, josh and jake, then it was basically the end of the school year. she was ready for the summer time to roll around.

"jolyne, come down! i have something to show you." he shouted up to her. she nodded her head, pulling her body back into her room and relocking the latch on her window before walking down the stairs. she was met by her mother in the kitchen.

"hey, jolyne. what are you up to today?" jolyne's mother asked as she passed the kitchen to get the mud room to get her shoes.

"i wasn't planning on doing much, but obviously sam had other plans for me today." they laughed together as she kicked on her shoes.

"he's such an oddball." jolyne's mother had loved sam from the moment that she met him back in jolyne's preschool days. she was the main reason they remained friends until kindergarten, and so on from there. kelly and karen, his parents had become great friends with jolyne's mother, lola, too.

"tell sam that he should come around for dinner tonight, and bring the family! i haven't seen them in so long that i'd like to have dinner with them to catch up." jolyne nodded her head, and said her goodbyes to her mother before stepping outside the door where sam resided.

"my mom said your family has to come over tonight. she misses your parents." he nodded at her before grabbing her hand and leading her towards the road. her cheeks grew dark red. even though she had known sam for just about eleven years now, she had a confusion of thoughts jumbled into her mind about him. she didn't know if it was because she had the attention from him, the event that happened in the previous year, or because she actually liked him, but all she knew was that she couldn't think about any other boy the way she thought about sam.

road trip 𖦹 sam kiszka Where stories live. Discover now