day seven, new york

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"you look absolutely stunning." sam gawked at his best friend. she wore a form fitting black dress with black heels. she was the perfect kind of curvy to pull of that dress and sam couldn't take his eyes off of her. she laughed, combing her hair out one last time before putting it back into her bag and closing the trunk of the car.

"you don't look too bad yourself, mr.kiszka." she walked up to him. in a few minutes they would be making their way back to times square. they were going to go to madame tussaud's wax museum before they would go to phantom of the opera at the imperial theater. she didn't like to think about how much money sam had spent for her in the last six days. now, she planned on saving what money she had left to buy him an extravagant dinner. she hoped that they would go eat after the show and she could now put out for him.

after finding out that they were going to see phantom of the opera, jolyne's feelings for sam came back. her mind told her to not do it, for she will get hurt by him, but her heart told her to follow him wherever he may go. which wasn't hard since they were on a fifty state adventure, but she knew that after this they either were going to end up together or just remain in the friend zone. if they remained in the friend zone after this trip, she would know that they weren't meant to be. jolyne wasn't going to let that happen.

six days, it had been only six days. sam was so easy to love. he was everything jolyne had ever wanted in life, there was no thinking differently now. the thoughts that flooded her sixteen year old mind now invaded her twenty-one year old mind. he wasn't so out of reach for her, if she could make these next few weeks with sam count, then maybe by the end she would be together with him.

jolyne was so clouded by the thought that she didn't realize that she and sam were back at times square and in fact in the line to madame tussaud's wax museum.

"who are you most excited to see in here?" sam asked jolyne, snapping her completely out of the daze she had been in. she pushed the thought back to think about later when they were in the car before they slept. she shook her head into a smile, looking into his eyes.

"i honestly don't even know who's in there. i remember when we were younger and i was obsessed with one direction, i think they're in there. maybe even taylor swift is in there." they were approaching the front of the line, it seemed as they had gotten there at a time where it was slowing down, or maybe it was because they were closing in a little over an hour.

"i hope one direction is in there." sam laughed. that made him remember all the times where they had listened to their music together and waited in the long lines to see them in concert, all tour tours they went on. jolyne was a big fan and the only person that remotely shared that kind of interest with her was sam, and with that they went together. sam did it just to make her happy. his little thirteen year old hormonal mind was set on how much he liked jolyne, probably since she had been the only girl that had showed him any attention up until that moment.

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june 1, 2012
detroit, michigan

jolyne had never been more excited than she was right now. they had been in the car for only a few minutes before the excitement had completely set in. it was four hours before the show had been set to start and they would be there in about an hour and a half.

sam and jolyne sat in the backseat of the car, listening to music through raggedy old apple earbuds on jolyne's mom's iphone 4. the two bogged their heads to the sounds of the five boys beautiful voices.

jolyne was only eleven, soon she would be twelve and going into seventh grade year in school. her hair was short and wavy, pulled back into a ponytail. her shirt was a picture of harry styles, a shirt that she had loved since the moment she had gotten it. her eyes covered with her glasses, something she had needed since she was little.

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