day eleven, maine

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"sam, respectfully, i am scared." she whispered as she got a bit closer to sam. they were standing outside of the last house that they would be going to. the streets were pitch black and the only thing lighting up the night was the house in front of them and the moon in the sky above them.

"don't be scared, jolyne. it's almost the end of the tour." sam grabbed onto her sleeves and rubbed up and down to make her feel more comfortable. jolyne shook her head.

"i often don't feel this badly, but this place is really taking a toll on me." sam's face turned from calming to a sort of confusion. he knew that sometimes jolyne had these weird feelings about places, but he had never seen her get this freaked out over something. she was strong, like her father had been before her.

"should we leave?" he asked her, making her nod her head slowly. as they turned away from one another and headed up to the tour leader, some teenaged boy called out to them.

"are you leaving early?" he smirked at the pair. jolyne rolled her eyes and looked back to sam for him to answer. she didn't rant to deal with some dude's random shit. she was already feeling antsy enough, she didn't need some teenager to make her any worse.

"yeah, we gotta go." sam waved at him, looking back to the tour guide. the guide nodded and they decided to walk back to the car when they heard the boy say something under his breath.

"is someone being...a pussy?" jolyne was first to turn around to look at him. she reminded herself that he was some kid that wanted to hustle them to get some reaction out of them. which was pathetic to them. sam paused his walk and turned around.

"i'm most definitely not a pussy." he said in a low tone that almost scared jolyne. she looked up to him with wide eyes. she wore his hoodie, growing cold as the sun went down, but now she was getting heated. this was exactly what he wanted, but this kid was definitely something that was getting on her nerves and she had to put into place.

"we'll you are acting like one. pussy's don't leave early." he smirked, sam knew he couldn't hit the boy, he would surely get a charge for that and he couldn't deal with that as tour approached and his basic human moral. jolyne, also, wanted to hit him, but she held back.

"we don't have to deal with some punk who gets a rise outta making fun of random people." jolyne huffed out before pulling sam towards the car and getting in. her face was red, holding in all the hateful words she would spew about that teenage boy.

"he just wanted a reaction, jolyne." sam whispered, trying not to let jolyne yell out her anger at him. she shook her head, leaning back into the seat and motioning him to start driving. sam obeyed and started driving off to their next state, thinking about how a good day got ruined yet again.

"whale watching!" she exclaimed, her mood seemed to make a complete three-sixty in the last sixteen hours. when the pair arrived to bar harbor, they had decided that it would be the best if they had gotten a motel to sleep at for a few hours at least. their backs hurt still and the constant car rides made them stiff. neither jolyne or sam wanted to end this road trip, so they were able to bare the pain enough to continue.

"yes! and we leave in an hour so what do you want to do in the mean time?" sam asked, sitting on the bench that showed the water perfectly behind him. jolyne quickly snapped a photo of him. a smile appeared on her face as she put the phone down and sat next to him.

"i want to get a hoodie from that store over there." jolyne pointed to the old, worn down gift shop. sam nodded his head lightly before getting up and walking with her towards the store. his face was stuck in a smile, almost like he was forcing himself to stay in that position, looking almost unnatural. jolyne shuddered before turning and opening the door and letting the boy in. sam murmured a small 'thank you' before stepping in completely.

road trip 𖦹 sam kiszka Where stories live. Discover now