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Rollcall on the weatherdeck. Correct, proper and Fit for Service. Dress of the Day and Orders:

          Clean trousers, clean gingham shirt, waistcoat, ammunition shirt, fatigue Caps.

          Coats are to be collected by the tailors to remove their tape and be cut to the pattern    authorized by the Brigadier.

          Each man is to draw his firelock, box and strap from the company quartermaster for   exercise ashore. Bayonets are to be off the belt and attached to the box by a carriage according to the pattern authorized by the Brigadier. If any private's bayonet is still on the belt, he will return the box and bayonet to the quartermaster after the exercise to have it placed on the box.

          The battalion companies are to have their hats cut round according to the pattern authorized by the Brigadier. All battalion company hats to be collected by the quartermaster for alterations.

          Every private's firelock shall have a proper sling. Those that do not have a proper sling will report to the quartermaster to receive one. Any private whose firelock is without a proper sling shall be subject to court martial and punishment.

          Women are to report to the Company Quartermaster to receive twenty yards of coarse linen and make clean bandages according to the pattern . . .

Sir George Osborn, a pleasant-faced Englishman of thirty-four, need not smile to convey Satisfaction. A fine pack of hounds, the finest, and he would dash into peril at their head as his duty, his Privilege. He paid for it – Thirty-Five Hundred, no pittance and over twice the amount for an equal rank in any foot regiment, and here – the brigade's grenadiers. Not that they're all good fellows, some blackguards that would've swung if not for the Service. Some might still. But all aspired to Excellence – a fine thing. They expected as much from him and deserved to be well led.

"Grenadiers," he addressed them. "Providence has smiled on us – a pleasant day. American weather can be beastly this time of year. Enjoy it. It'll be short-lived. We go ashore for the first time in four months and shall exercise with the light company in the Evolution for the Light Infantry as well as some marksmanship to scrape off the rust. Americans have the conceit for fighting like the Savages and for the skill of their aim. No doubt they've never imagined that Foot Guards can draw a bead as fine as them. Won't they be surprised?" The grenadiers chuckled. "I am confident you will purport yourselves as becoming Household Troops. Still, heed the following general order for his Majesty's Forces." He nodded to Crookshank.

"General order by General William Howe, Commander-in-Chief, 29th June instant:

As the Inhabitants of the Country are known to be well affected to the Government, and have suffered great depredations from the Rebels; the Commander-in-Chief fully convinced of the superior Discipline and Humanity of Troops under his command recommends to their protections the families and Property of the People of the Country; and any soldier straggling from his platoon, will be executed on the Spot."

"I am certain," Sir George said, "none of you will dishonour the Company and the Brigade being shot as a Straggler."

Boats knocked against the ship followed by shifting of oars. The officer of the watch, a scrawny navy lieutenant, called from the quarterdeck, "They're ready, Sir George."

The company dispersed to receive their arms and assembled squad by squad to descend the plank. As Geordie hefted his firelock and started down, he looked back to where he and Obedience had slept. She was alone and him now walking out with Brown Bess.

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