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Sage POV

My eyelids feel heavy. Really, really heavy. But I force myself to open them. Immediately I am met with a bright light and on reflex shut them tight again, I wait a few seconds before opening them and again being met with a bright light but instead of closing my eyes again I squint trying to cover my eyes with my hand but my arm is so heavy, thinking about it I can't move my entire body it as though I'm paralysed.

After a few seconds my eyes adjust to the lights around me but my ears immediately fill with a loud ringing, I shut my eyes and start remembering how I got to this position the Trials, the dragon, pushing my body far beyond its limits and I snap my eyes open in alarm, I feel shock fill my body before jumping up, I look around to see where I am and see that I am still in the arena and was previously lying on somebody's coat, I look up to find multiple pairs of eyes looking at me in shock.

"The fuck? How long have I been out." I ask and place my hands to my head feeling a headache coming on.

"About 3 hours." Ivy says slowly walking over to me and I start taking steps backing away from everyone, panic seeping through my bones. I look around scanning everything more clearly there are quite a few people are still in the stands, loads of teachers are surrounding me and the tunnel I made is still there, now with a dragon standing in front of it looking at me with curiosity and sight panic.

I decide to focus on the dragon, by looking at it I can tell its a fire dragon, quite old but relatively small in size. I start tapping into its mind, once I feel the walls of his mind break I talk.

How is she?

The dragon stars at me in shock before replying Not good Miss Sage. Her eggs have been waiting for you and she is getting worried, all of us can feel it, she is worried about you as well she almost came out but we stopped her before anyone saw her. We have tried to keep our riders at bay but they are getting more and more curious, Miss.

I scoff out loud these boys really have no boundaries Move please and the dragon moves hastily out of the way.

I take a few steps forward but stop when when I hear low growling coming from behind me, I turn around and see everyone looking at me in panic.

"Salvie komme tilbake hit nå!" I hear Ivy yell in Norwegian. (Sage get back here now!)

She is followed by distressed calls from a few teachers and people from the crowd, "Ivy ber dem om ikke å komme inn, ellers vil de mest sannsynlig ikke komme ut i live." (Ivy tell them not to come in or they will most likely not leave alive.)

With that I turn and continue walking down the tunnel feeling a headache come on.

Finally I reach the end of the tunnel and immediately meet the panicked gaze of the gold dragon. I really need to know her name.... Anyways back to the main topic.

Finally little one. I was getting worried about you.

I'm sorry for worrying you. I had just pushed myself a little too far.

I'm sorry little one. It's my fault.

No, no it wasn't your fault, it was nobodies fault in fact it was probably mine. But I'm feeling a little better now. Anyway how are the eggs coming along?

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