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The line on the other end of the phone went quiet

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The line on the other end of the phone went quiet.

"Are you sure?" Angelo asked darkly. "This wouldn't be the first time we've had close calls."

It was true. Multiple times throughout the years we've been so frantic to find her that anyone who slightly resembled her was looked into. The boys would come home from school, yelling about how they thought they had found her, each time with no success.

"Yes, Angelo. I took the test. She's 17 years old, her name is Carlotta Angela for fucks sake!" I replied, pleading and convincing him that this is her.

I heard Angelo shakily exhale on the phone.

No way was this man holding back tears.

"How is she?" He asked after a few seconds of what I think was him composing himself.

Soppy bastard.

"Bro, she... she's not in great shape I won't lie." I replied reluctantly, rubbing a hand down my face and thinking of all the bruises and marks on her face and neck.

"The fuck does that mean Santiago?" Angelo barked out viciously.

"I don't know man, she was sent here on charges of domestic abuse, I think her family was hurting her." I replied softly, not wanting Carlotta to hear me from the other side of the door.

"Fucking hell." Angelo muttered under his breath.

"But she looks just like you guys," I smile trying to lighten the mood, "Just like Massimo actually, they could be twins I swear to god."

Angelo chuckles slightly, his anger dissipating momentarily. "17, huh? Gods we missed a lot." He replied, his voice strained and laced with guilt.

"She's grown up for sure man, damn." I say without thinking.

"Careful how you speak about my little sister godsdammit." He yelled at me suddenly, "You're lucky I'm not there to snap your neck dickhead. She may have had a crush on you when she was a toddler, something I will never fucking forgive you for by the way, but if you so much as look at her wrong, best friend or not, you're dead." He told me, completely serious.

I know, I know, I'm a total perv but I'd be lying if I said she wasn't fucking attractive. I mean, she's a Beneventi of course she is, but she's my best friend's little sister, not to mention 17. I may secretly find her attractive but I would never act on it.

"Okay, okay, look I'm sorry man, you know I'd never do anything inappropriate to Car." I replied seriously.

"You better, or you won't see the light of tomorrow." He gritted out.

"Woah, okay dad-mode is activated I see." I chuckle.

"Damn right it is, I want her back here by tomorrow, there'll be a jet waiting for her. Get it sorted." He muttered out.

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