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It's 6am and I peek over my shoulder to see Gigi sleeping peacefully against my back

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It's 6am and I peek over my shoulder to see Gigi sleeping peacefully against my back.

His arms are slung over my body, and I scrunch my nose at how the Hell I'm going to get out of his hold without waking him up.

It's Gigi's birthday and he's officially 25, which means I need to get the fuck up and make him a cake.

If I could escape his hold.

With steady and gentle hands, I grip his forearm slightly, and begin to lift it off my torso. He grumbles slightly, but doesn't stir.

With a satisfied smile I glided out of his hold, still keeping his arm elevated. His face turns down in a cute little frown when my body loses contact with his, and I resist the urge to grab my phone and take a photo.

But I couldn't get distracted, I had a mission right now.

Once I'm out of his hold, I grab my pillow with my free hand and replace my presence with it under his arm. I lower his arm back down gently and he clings onto it immediately, the frown dissipating from his face and being replaced with a content look.

I smile, but don't linger, not wanting to risk him getting up.

I'm halfway to the door, when I hear a meow, I close my eyes in hopes one of the kids didn't wake him up.

I turn slowly on the spot to see both Arabella and Rodrick sitting up on the end of the bed, where they were previously asleep.

They watch me inquisitively and I widen my eyes at them, silently screaming at them not to wake their daddy.

When I realise, they won't listen to me, I sigh and nod my head at the door. They quickly hop off the bed and follow me out the room, refusing to let me leave without them.

All three of us pad down the stairs and into the darkness of the bottom floor. The sun hadn't entirely risen yet, casting only a soft golden glow through the windows.

I make my way over to the kitchen, and the cats both hop up onto a bar stool, sitting themselves down and watching me work.

I switch on a soft light and pull out all my ingredients, immediately getting started on the cake I planned to make for Gigi.

I couldn't guarantee excellence, but I wanted to at least try to make something for him.

20 minutes later and I'm just finishing up mixing the batter when I turn to get a cake pan, and bump into a tall figure.

I yelp quietly and look up into Mateo's smiling eyes.

The sun had now risen, casting light through all the windows in the penthouse, but it was still way too early for any of the boys to be up.

"You scared the shit out of me." I glare up at him and he smiles.

"What are you doing?" He asks, not even apologising for his stalkerish behaviour.

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