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"What is this?" I can't help but smile as I look at the two boys, extending a box to me

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"What is this?" I can't help but smile as I look at the two boys, extending a box to me.

They only grin, slightly lop-sidedly, in response, Gigi biting his bottom in excitement or nervousness - I can't tell which.

"Open it and see." He replies back, making me narrow my eyes at him playfully.

"Smart-ass." I mutter, both of them chucking as I approach them cautiously, definitely not putting it past the both of them to be pranking me with some shit.

As I approach I begin to see the box a little clearer, noticing holes punched in the top, making me instantly stop my approach.

"Is it alive?" I ask dumbly, staring at the box a little skeptically now. They don't answer me, their grins only growing wider and I pluck up the courage to move closer to them.

I'm now standing in front of Gigi and slowly take the box from his outstretched hands, immediately testing the weight of whatever's inside.

It's not heavy at all, but-

Oh gods-

Is there something moving in here?

"Gigi I need you to know if whatever is in this box attacks me, I will not hesitate to castrate you in your sleep." I threaten, scared of there being potentially spiders or snakes in the box.

Both Andreas and Gigi stare at me now, mouths slightly agape at my words.

Andreas goes as far as to cross and shuffle his legs uncomfortably, "Ouch, bro, I can feel it." He winces, face grimaced with disgust.

"Car, my love, just trust me and open the box." Gigi chuckles, nodding his head to the box in my hands.

I sigh and put the box on the floor, kneeling down in front of it as the two boys stand towering above me.

Great, this just made it even more intimidating.

I see movement out of the corner of my eye and now realise Arabella has come to join us as well, sitting patiently beside me as I reach out to open the box.

Oh great, more pressure-


Who the fuck was that.

That sure as hell wasn't Arabella.

I immediately look at Andreas, narrowing my eyes at him suspiciously.

He only puts his hands up in surrender, "Car, I swear that wasn't me." He says, subconsciously crossing his legs slightly to protect his junk.

I'm about to respond before I'm cut off yet again, "Meow."

My head shoots down to the box in front of me.

They did not.

I open the box fully and gasp, covering my mouth with my hands.

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