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I'm so fucking tired all of a sudden

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I'm so fucking tired all of a sudden.

I'm literally fighting to keep my eyes open but having my girl on top of me, giving me a soft departing kiss? Shit it's not helping at all.

All I wanna do is grab her and never let her go, hugging her like my personal teddy bear as we sleep next to one another.

I faintly register smiling after she kisses me goodbye and leaves the penthouse.

My newly pierced septum feels heavy in my nose, but like Car said, it reminds me of exactly who I belong to.

That reminds me, I was supposed to ask her to teach me to do my eyeliner-

I knew how much she liked it that one time-

My eyes flutter completely shut, my mind switching off as much as I try to fight it.

It's only like 10pm, when did I become such a grandpa-

What feels like 2 minutes later, the ding of the penthouse elevator sounds again, and I'm unable to fully open my eyes to see who it is.

"Car..." I murmured tiredly, "Baby, did you forget something?" I manage to mumble, but I don't hear Car's light footsteps, rather much heavier ones.

I internally start to panic.

Why the fuck can't I open my eyes.

Who the fuck is in my house.

I feel a pair of hands grab my arms, and I mumble out in protest, which if I wasn't so tired would be more like a roar of rage.

I try to struggle in their hold but physically can't.

"Enjoy your pizza Mr. Kosmos?" A familiar voice snides, but it sounds deeper and more confident than I remember...

I wrack my brain, but it isn't until the intruder speaks again that I clock it.

"I must say, you and Car make quite the couple."


The slimy motherfucker drugged me.

I start to struggle as much as I can, but feel him start to drag my body across the penthouse, heading towards the elevator.

"Grab his legs." He says, and suddenly more hands grasp my body.

I'm lifted between what I think is 4 men, but I never stop trying to regain movement of my limbs.

"Fan, chef, han är tung." One of the men grumbles.

(fuck, boss, he's heavy)

Did this fucker just call me heavy?

I immediately knew they were Swedish, my limited Norwegian from Andreas and Car got me that far.

Why the fuck are there Swedes in my penthouse?

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