†☠Chapter 2: Talk with the boys☠†

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Lexie Bella's pov

I walk into mine and Jon's hotel room and see him and the guys talking away and laughing.

"Baby!" Jon cheers, jumping out of his seat and jogging to me.

I laugh as he lifts me in a hug. We kiss then he pulls away and puts me down.

"Damn. Someone missed me." I say.

"Hell yeah I missed you. You're my sexy lexie." He says and I blush.

Colby and Joe laughed.

"Sexy Lexie?" Colby asks.

"Paige started calling me that then April started calling me that and now he's calling me that." I explain.

"️Can we?" Joe asks.

"Yeah sure." Jon and I say at the same time.

"Jinx! You owe me a monster!" I say.

He groans and I laugh.

"No more monsters!" He says.

"Why?!" I ask.

"Cuz they're bad for you." He says.

"Oh fucking well." I say.

Colby and Joe were laughing at us. I kiss Jon hard and he moans then I pull away.

"Sorry. The boys are here and I wanna spend time with them." I say then purposely rub my ass against him as I turned and then walked to the guys.

Jon groaned as I rubbed against him and I went and sat next to Colby as him and Joe were dying of laughter at Jon. Whom had a bulge in his pants.

Jon looked down and covered himself, blushing, then went to the room.

"You are so gonna get it." Joe says, laughing.

"I know. Call an ambulance if you hear really loud and painful screams." I joke and then we all laugh.

Jon walks out about 5 minutes later and then kisses my cheek but whispers "you're gonna get it hard tonight" then kisses my sweet spot on my neck and I hold in a moan.

He sits next to me and holds me close into his lap.

"So how was lunch with the girls?" Jon asks.

I got an irritated smirk on my face as I scoffed.

"I got there and basically they got into the talk about me and relationships. Then Nikki goes on and basically dishes that rumor has it that I'm fucking Jon just to be get to the top and how I shouldn't date him because he's a lunatic and not champion material like her man is. And I'm like bitch not everyone can date the top superstar in the WWE but shit I got one fine as hell man that is the current face of the company so that stupid fake bitch can back the fuck off and watch out what she says about my man." I rant, getting pissed the fuck off already.

"Those are some strong words for your sister." Joe says.

"I don't give two fucks in space if that's my sister. You can be the fucking president, you could be my mama, hell you can the damn police, you do not disrespect my man. His name comes outa your damn mouth, blood is gonna be following it next, when you get my fuckin fist." I rant.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down." Jon says, holding me close.

I take deep breathes.

"I love when you guys way protective over each other." Colby says.

I smile and kiss Jon's cheek.

"He's all mine. And I ain't sharing so you two better back it up." I say.

"And she's all mine and I'm not sharing so your sisters better back those asses up." Jon says and I laugh.

We talked and hung out with the guys all day and then Colby and Joe left.






And then Jon gave me my "punishment".

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