Chapter 3: Divas #1 contender battle royal

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Dean Ambrose's pov

I was with the guys as we got ready to be at commentary for the divas battle royal. We were at the curtain and I saw the divas all making their way to the other one.

It was a superstar dress up match. Which means the divas have dress up in a singles or tag team superstars merch.

We're also going out there because the superstars were surrounding the ring.

"Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. SHIELD."

We walk out to screaming fans and walk down to the ring. We hop the barricade and go to commentary as the superstars watched us. We sat down and got headsets.

"We have some special guests here with us, The Shield on commentary." Cole says.

"Sup, Michael." I say.

"Hello, Dean." Cole says.

"You Can Look, But You Can't Touch
You Keep Dreaming On The Stars Above."

Oh great. Nikki walks out with her title and sits on the opposite side of us.

"Welcome, Nikki." JBL says.

"Hello, JBL." Nikki says as the divas started coming out.

Natalya was dressed as Tyson Kidd. Naomi was dressed as The Usos. Summer was dressed as Fandango. Layla was dressed as The Wyatts.
Paige was dressed as Dolph Ziggler. Eva was dressed as Ryback. AJ was dressed as CM Punk. Brie was dressed as Daniel Bryan.

"So who are you guys rooting for in this match?" Cole asks us and Nikki.

Let me show what love is
Let me show you how to move your body
Move your body"

Lexie comes out with a long coat on but you can see her belt, jeans, and stomach.

"We're going for girl right there." I say.

"And their opponent, from Scottsdale, Arizona, weighing at a 120 lbs, Lexie Bella!!" Lillian announces.

Lexie jumps on the apron in front of us and as her music gets to a lyric and beat, Lexie undoes her coat and shows us her 'The Shield' crop top and damn my girl looked sexy.

"Well all of these girls can dream on because they're not takin my title from me. Paige tried and failed 3 times. No one is going to take my title from me. Because they can't. I'm just simply better than them." Nikki says.

All the divas started fighting. Lexie was dominating Natalya and Layla at the same time.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that, Nikki. Lexie is the most dominant diva in WWE History. She's stronger than you. The female me and the next Lita and Trish Stratus. She's not a member of The Shield for nothing." I say.

Yes, Lexie is a member of The Shield. She joined us like a week after we turned face by saving Jerry Lawler from Kane and defying The Authority.

It was down to Lexie and Eva Marie.

"Come on, Eva!" Nikki cheers.

Eva runs at Lexie and Lexie hits a Seth Rollins move that is hard to explain. Like an arm hook than a twist and another arm hook take down.

Lexie then gets up and grabs Eva then blows a kiss to me. I smile and then it was replaced with an awe look as Lexie hit my finisher, Dirty Deeds, and then throws Eva over the top rope and wins.

The Shield's theme plays and Lexie gets her arm raised.

"Here is your winner and the #1 contender for the Divas Championship, Lexie Bella!!" Lillian announces.

We got in the ring and I kissed her then Colby and Joe hug her and we leave the ring.

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