Chapter Twenty-Two

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"I've got to say Kate." My boss said and let the stack of papers in his hands come down on the desk with a whack. My leg bounced with nervous anticipation as he watched me with a serious expression. "It's got to be the best damn thing I've read around here in a long time."

I let out a relieved sigh. "Yeah?"

"Oh yeah! So how about we talk about that nice big expensive contract you've been hoping for."

"Don't play with me now." I laughed.

We sat down and discussed terms and conditions and of course salary. It had been two entire years, to the day, since Alessio had brought me back up. Which meant, it had been an entire two years, to the day, since I had seen him.

Well, that's not entirely true. I had seen much of him actually. His name comes up in the tabloids constantly, I knew where he was at this exact moment. But we had not spoken since he had promised to find me. A promise he had clearly crossed his fingers during. I wasn't hard to find. I had done it. I had written my big story and my writing career had been climbing drastically since.

I held true to my word of not writing about the world I had stumbled into underground, not that anyone would have believe it anyway. I had started writing small stories, anything I could get my hands on. I had simply been too terrified to go near anything serious, and part of me wasn't really invested in the writing the way I once was. I was waiting for someone to take me again.

But after about three months I grew restless. I started getting angry. I threw myself into something I felt passionate about. My cousin. It took me another three months to scrounge up evidence, but I did it. It helped that my father was a police and was chasing the mafia himself, I never told him I was too. But when I found them, the rival mafia who had killed my cousin I got my story. And I almost got shot again. I walked into another shooting, can you even believe it? But from my position hiding behind an old custard making machine and my handy dandy cell phone, I'd gotten it on video. That accompanied with all the things I had managed to dig up, well I'd made my way. I dug and researched as far back as fifteen years, while the police had been only concerned with finding and catching the leader of the Mafia, I had been looking at the family as a whole. Because of that, I was able to connect dots that had been otherwise over looked, followed the dots for those fifteen years, and I had seen the whole picture. I had a story that no one could compare with. A one of a kind story, and while after my story came out it would be copied and re-reported many times. My name was the one that flourished.

I hadn't slept for more than a few hours since I had started my research, and after the shooting they had taken me to the hospital as well to get checked over. I was so off the wall they prescribed me an anti-anxiety medication. I spent three days letting the story die down, that way I wouldn't be only one of many reporting it. If I would have written about the shooting the same day it happened I would have just been one of many, it was all over the news. I waited until they had moved on to the story of the man who fell in a well and survived for almost two weeks came out with my story and my insider footage. During those three days before I published I did nothing but write what I had obsessed over. Sorting the research out, I had written the best damn story there was. I released my story and the footage to one of the biggest stations in the big apple and then I slept. And slept. And slept some more. And when I woke up days later. I was a legend. Like I had always wanted.

But it wasn't enough. I was a writer, a journalist, and yes, even a reporter on TV. I'd never wanted to actually report the news before. I had merely wanted to write it. But for some crazy reason I thought that if he could somehow see me, that he would indeed find me.

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