Chapter Forty-Nine

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I had never seen Alessio so frantic before. Well, I'd never seen Alessio frantic at all before so it didn't really take much. He had men everywhere in the house cleaning from top to bottom until well after four in the morning.

"Alessio." I groaned loudly. After a moment I sat up in bed and banged on the wall behind it.

I was trying desperately to sleep but I couldn't not with the sound of vaccums, rug scrubbers, crashes throughout the house, feet shuffling up and down the hallway, it was constant commotion.

The door flew open. I squinted to make out Alessio in the sudden burst of light. His hair was a mess and damp, he was in just a tank top and his pants and he was cradling two vases and an oversized picture. "What?"

"What the hell is all of that?"

"Ugly gifts from my mother. She'll be quite offended if they aren't out when she gets here. Why did you call for me? Are you alright?"

I was a little taken aback by his attitude. Alessio was usually more guarded than this. His feathers were ruffled something fierce. "I can't sleep with all of this noise." I complained.

"Oh." He said simply he frowned. "Come with me."

I crawled out of bed and hesitated. I was in only Alessio's shirt and I really didn't want to walk through the house like this with so many of the men here but he waved me forward impatiently. He turned around and forced everything in his hands into the arms of someone who happened to be just walking by. He reached back and grabbed my hand and began dragging me through the hallway.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere sound proof." He said simply.

My mind raced with possibilities. "I'm a little surprised the whole place isn't." I admitted.

"Well the outside walls are sure. No one in the yard can hear all of the noise from in the house, but I didn't do room to room isolation either. If someone is here, I want to know, but I don't want the rest of the world to know."

"You're so paranoid."

"I'm careful." He argued.

I guess you would have to be paranoid if you were leading a mafia. He dragged me down several hallways and when we finally entered a room it was obvious it was his work out room.

"Where am I going to sleep?" I asked looked around the room. The walls were lined in mirrors and there were more exercise machines here than I knew existed. I mean seriously, I thought there were treadmills, weight benches, and bikes. I didn't even know what half of these things even did.

He shrugged. "You could lay on the bench." He motioned to the weight bench. "Or the floor?" Thin blue pads replaced carpeting on the floor.


"It's just one night."

"I know."

"You could go back to the room." He offered and I shook my head. "I'll get you a pillow and some blankets." He said and disappeared out of the room.

I looked around at all of the machinery. A flicker of insanity tempted me to try one out but I quickly laughed the idea off. Me? Exercise? I sat down on the floor and waited for Alessio to return.

"Here." He said opening the door and throwing a pillow at me.

"Wait!" I yelled just before he shut the door.

"What Kate? I'm really busy! I have a lot of things to do here!"

"You called me Kate."

He frowned. "I'm sorry Katherine. I'm just, I'm stressed out."

When The Sun Goes Down - A Midnight Mafia NovelWhere stories live. Discover now