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                When I found Katherine again she was plastered. And that was putting it politely, a rarity for me if I do say so myself. I had to help her off the stage and even with my steady hands steering her she nearly fell on her face.

"Alright Madonna." I chuckled and put my hands on her waist in an attempt to keep her upright.

"Dance with me."

I raised an eyebrow. I wasn't used to taking orders, quite the contrary actually. "My you're bossy tonight." I mused and gave her a once over. In the state she was in now I suspected telling her no would result in nothing short of a temper tantrum.

"What can I say? I learned a thing or two from your mother on how to handle you."

"On how to handle me?" I parroted.

"Oh yes." He head bobbed up and down and she swayed dramatically from the strain.

I caught her before she had a chance to fall on her face I held her for a second before closing the small distance between us and following through with her request. I hadn't danced with a women in, fúck, not since Aria and I were kids.

"What are you doing now?" She laughed and threw her head back. Her cheeks were rose tinted and her smile contagious. Sh

"I thought you wanted to dance?"

She looked confused for a few moments, hell she probably was. Did she know where she was? Who I was? I hadn't seen Katherine this hammered since she set my hotel room on fire. Clumsy oaf. I smirked at the memory, of course I had wanted her that night and every night since. She linked her hands behind me head with a slightly lucid look to her eyes. "I didn't know you danced."

"What can I say? I'm a man of many surprises." None more surprising than this, than us.

She didn't question this further and for a brief second I wondered if she was thinking about me, about who I really was, the surprises to come, and then she swayed far too much to one side and laughed and I remembered just how drunk she was.

It was actually a bit of a relief. My dark employment was not something we had gone into details about and I was not excited for the time to come. She had this annoying habit of pressing further for details than necessary and I guessed that taking her into the flower shop wouldn't exactly please her.

This wasn't exactly the kind of place where people danced, they were far too invested in their gambles or cocaine to care about letting loose. Lucky for me, I turned a much bigger profit this way.

I held her closely knowing I was probably the only distance between her and the ground and laughed at her as she made a complete fool out of herself. It was endearing really.

It was almost nice to lower the barrier between us, to come together in a way I hadn't with anyone in a long time.

"I need a drink." She huffed and pushed me a few inches away. I doubted how good of an idea that would be, but I had carried her drunken body over my shoulder before, what difference did it make? She had managed to tolerate my mother for an entire week, even put up with an entire dinner full of insults over the way she had cut the lettuce for salad. If there was one thing my mother knew it was how to cook and Katherine was, well, not so very good at that particular task.

When The Sun Goes Down - A Midnight Mafia NovelWhere stories live. Discover now