part three

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"... look out, inside of you. It's not what you lost. Relight that spark, time to come out of the dark..."

"Julie?" Luka mumbled to herself as she drove into the driveway on her bike. When she arrived she saw Ray already standing at the stairs that lead but to the house.

"Wake up." Julie sang, "Wake up."

Luka debated whether to go into the garage, but decided it was best to stay out, as Julie continued to sing. She hopped off her bike, and took off her helmet, still with her guitar slung on her back.

"... I won't let it cloud my mind. I'll let my fingers fly..." she continued, as Luka took off her guitar, and slowly made her way over to the one closed garage door, "... And I use the pain, 'cause it's part of me, and I'm ready to power through it. Gonna find the strength, find the melody, 'cause you showed me how to do it..."

As the song slowly finished, Julie was sitting back down once Luka finally made her way into the studio. When she finished the song, Luka had a broad smile plastered on her face, and so did Julie once she saw Luka.

Julie then slowly picked up the fourth sheet, and read what it said at the bottom. Luka had been so moved by the sound, that she didn't even notice the three ghosts, that were standing behind Julie, as she hugged the sheet of music.

When Alex made his way slowly over to the hugging Julie, that was when Luka saw them, her eyes went wide, and made the motion of sliding her neck, to show that he shouldn't hug Julie.

Luke seemed to understand and pulled Alex back into his previous spot in the middle of the two boys.

The boys then disappeared, so it was just Julie and Luka left in the room.

"Julie, that was..." Luka trailed off, lost for words.

"I just... I don't know..." Julie trailed off as well.

"But it felt good, right?" Luka asked softly as she quietly sat down next to Julie on the stool.

"Yeah, it did," Julie said with a smile, as Flynn walked in.

"Carlos told me you guys would be out here." Flynn said, "We need to talk, all of us."

"Are you okay?" Julie asked as she started stacking the music sheets.

"No, I'm not okay! You guys just got kicked out of music!" Flynn exclaimed, "I've been up all night thinking about what I was gonna say. Might've drunk seven sodas, but... I need to get this out." Flynn said as the two other girls waited patiently.

"Wait. I have something to tell you both--" Julie started but Flynn cut her off.

"No, it's my turn to talk. You can't give up music, Julie! Neither can you, Lucky!I know you guys haven't played in a while, but you'll get there. Your guys' music is like a gift. It would be a tragedy if you guys gave it up." Flynn explained, "So, you're basically, like, canceling Christmas, and I love Christmas!"

"Flynn, I--" Julie started.

"Uh-uh! When we were six, we promised to be in a band together! The Three Amigos!"

"I never agreed to that name," Julie said.

"I did," Luka said and slightly raised her hand.

Flynn sighed, "That's not the point. Guys, if both of you leave the music program, we'll be apart forever. That's just what happens." she paused to take a breath, "Sure we'll see each other in the hall sometime, but... we'll have different lives, make new friends."

"That's not true," Julie said calmly.

"Yeah, we'll still be best friends," Luka explained.

"You're right. I won't be making any new friends. The only time we'll contact each other is when we'll be liking each other's posts on Instagram. Every time I'll be hitting that little heart, my heart will be breaking because both of my best friends left me, and... Ugh. Do you have any soda? My head hurts." Flynn huffed.

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