Chapter 6

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"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come back." I sigh, beginning to go back to the front door, grasping the handle.

"Wait." I stop still. "Go see Remus, he's in the kitchen." Sirius says coldly, I slither down the hallway, past my brother and into the kitchen.

"Remus." I say quietly at the door, not daring to go any further into the kitchen. His head snaps up, he tumbles out of his chair and runs towards me, pulling me into him.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have apparated away from you like that. It was completely uncalled for. I am so so sorry Remus." I ramble.

"Y/N, shhhh. It's fine, I completely understand." Remus smiles at me. "Remus, I-"

"Y/N." Remus interrupts again, rubbing circles on my back in attempt to calm me down.

"Where did you go?" Remus asks, lifting my chin up so that we made eye contact. "Andromeda's house." I whisper. "Your cousin?" I nod.

"I'm glad you were safe then."

"How are you? Tonks filled me in on your emotions when she got back to Andromeda's house." I maintain the eye contact with the werewolf.

"I'm fine, well I am now." He smiles, rubbing his thumb over my cheek. Remus' head lowered itself towards my mouth, both of our eyes shut instinctively and our lips brushed over one another's.

"What in Merlin's name is going on here?!" Remus and I jump apart. Sirius stood in the door way, his arms crossed and an angry expression on his face.

"I said talk to him, Y/n, not kiss him. Is this what mum meant by you 'falling in love with a half-blood Gryffindor'?" Sirius raises an eyebrow at me, I remained silent and didn't make eye contact with either of the men in front of me.

"What are you on about Sirius?" Remus says, his facial expression showed his tiredness as well as his stress.

"The portrait of mum shouted at both of us earlier for being family disappointments and she said something about Y/n falling in love with a half-blood Gryffindor. I asked her who it was and she just replied with 'is'." My brother explained. Remus glanced between both of us, a look of confusion replaced the stress and the tiredness that had been there previously.

"I think we deserve answers, Y/n. Is it Remus?" Sirius pushes, I glance at my feet, knowing that Sirius would kill me if I admitted the truth.

Both men stared at me, expectant on a response, I remain silent. At that moment, Molly walked through the door and told us that dinner was ready, saving me from the awkwardness and then tension of the drawing room.

Sirius gave me a look as if to say 'this isn't over' before we all went and sat down to eat.

Remus sat next to me at the dinner table as Sirius had conveniently sat next to one of the Weasley twins so the only adjacent seats were two right next to each other.

Dinner was awkward, the Weasleys' were making conversation between them , Sirius joined in with them, between mouthfuls of mashed potato. Remus and I didn't even acknowledge one another's existence. I sat, staring at my plate the entire time, only looking up to reply to the odd comment from a Weasley.

The second everyone had finished eating, I leapt up and began to clear the table, running a sink of water at the same time.

"Kreacher could do that." Sirius smirks, passing me his plate.
"Fuck off Sirius, leave the poor elf alone." I sigh, rolling my eyes.

I continue to clear up, washing all the dishes as I went along. Once I was done, I pulled a tea towel out of my cupboard and began to dry them as I normally would. I hated to get Kreacher to do things, he hated me and was still mourning Regulus, I was still upset over my brother but Kreacher was hit insanely hard.

An Unexpected Order - Sirius Black's sister!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now