Chapter 7

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"Never said I'd be completely alright with it." Sirius smirked at Remus and I, both of us were slightly shocked still from Sirius leaping at us.

"You're a right pain." I roll my eyes at my brother, Remus smiled and gently grabbed my chin with his right hand, he moved her face so that I was looking at him once again.

Remus leaned down and he placed his lips on mine, my arms wrapped themselves around his neck as she returned the kiss. "Please stop." Sirius groaned.

This caused Remus to deepen the kiss and bit my bottom lip, which made me moan. The werewolf slipped his tongue inside my mouth, causing me to moan even more.

"Remus, please. That's my sister. I'm unwilling to sit here while you practically fuck her." Sirius grumbled. "Then leave the room."

"No, I don't want my baby sister to get wolfed on."

"Wolfed on?" I giggled at the pun Sirius made whilst Remus sent a glare at him. "You know what I mean." Sirius crosses his arms, flinging himself against the wall in the hallway.

"Sirius, she's an adult." Remus said, placing a hand on my hip. "She's still my baby sister, and it's a weird thought, my best friend being with her." Sirius slid into a sitting position on the floor, looking up at us.

"Sirius-" I start. "Yeah, I know. Anyway, gotta run, my bedroom is calling me." Sirius stood up from his position on the floor and legged it as fast as he could up the stairs. Thirty seconds later, Remus and I heard his door slam shut, we glanced at one another and the Remus lunged forward and grabbed my face, hands either side of my cheeks and pressed his lips onto mine.

The kiss was fast and passionate, his teeth pulled at my bottom lip, Remus licked the lip, which caused a moan to slip out of my mouth and his tongue entered my mouth, he explored it whilst he pushed me against the wall in the hallway, my hands instinctively flew into his hair, I pulled hard at it, a groan escaped the werewolf's mouth which made me smirk.

"What's going o-ah!" The door opened and the small, plump, ginger witch squealed a horrified look illustrated itself upon her face. Remus and I jumped apart the second we heard Molly scream, the both of us blushing like mad.

"Ah, uhm." Remus scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. I heard loud thudding on the stairs, a sound I recognised from my childhood which could only mean-

"Oh, did you end up fucking my sister?" Sirius landed at the bottom of the stairs, his signature smirk placed on his face. Molly swatted Sirius and told him off for his language. Remus and I stared at the floor silently, hoping that the situation would diffuse and we wouldn't have to answer any questions.

"So, did you?" Sirius patted Remus on the back, the sound of the pat echoed through the large hallway. "Well, I was trying to, but you know, hallways aren't the best place to try and fu-"

"Remus!" I gasped.

"Y/n!" Remus said jokingly in the same tone as I had previously said his name, my cheeks flushed as his hand moved to rest on my shoulder.

"Well, you know, both you and Y/N have rooms in this house, one each, so you should have a few spaces too-" Sirius gets cut off by Molly who stood absolutely horrified by the conversation going on around her.

"Sirius! You shouldn't be encouraging Remus and Y/N to you know!"

"Why ever not Molly? It's amusing watching poor Y/N writher in her awkwardness as we discuss the subject of her and Moony dearest going at it, probably wolfie style." My brother winked jokingly, I reached out to slap him but he dodged it and let out a loud laugh.

"Sirius." Remus said warningly, placing his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to his side, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"It is rather amusing, no?" Sirius pranced around the hallway chanting loudly.

"Y/N and Moony sitting on her bed

F U C K I N G"

"You know, that isn't how the muggles sing it." I roll my eyes at my brother's childishness.

"First comes sex, then comes wolfcubs, then comes even more children." Sirius sang mockingly.

"Sirius, I swear on Merlin's saggy underwear, if you don't shut the fuck up-"

Remus cut off my threats with a kiss, picked me up and began to carry me upstairs, kissing and biting at my neck.

"Y/N and Moony sitting in a tree,

F U C K I N-"

We heard a slapping noise and then an overdramatic howl.

"It was a tea towel!"

An Unexpected Order - Sirius Black's sister!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now