Chapter 11

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"I can't find anything, at all. I've scoured the entirety of our library." Regulus huffed as we sat down, waiting for the other members of the Order to arrive for the evening's meeting.

"I guess they really didn't want us to get our names back on there." Sirius leant further back in his chair, it tipped slightly before he leant forward and the legs slammed onto the kitchen floor once again.

I glanced at the clock in an attempt to hide the sadness that I felt at the fact that it was probably unlikely that we could restore the family tree so that every member of the Black family was once again included.

"Y/N? Are you still thinking about the family tree?" Regulus asked from behind me, I turned around and nodded silently in response. The tall, thin man moved forward and pulled me into a hug.

"You know, regardless of what the family tree says, I love you. Don't forget that. You're my favourite sister, and I dare say, my favourite sibling." Regulus chuckled, pressing a kiss to my forehead. I grin into his chest.

"You may be my favourite sibling too. Don't tell Sirius." I whisper, Regulus' chest vibrated as the giggles fell from his mouth.

"It wouldn't be worth the drama if he found out." Regulus smiled down at me. "He would definitely have a massive temper tantrum, far too overdramatic." I giggle.


The members of the Order filed into the room one by one, with the exception of Mr and Mrs Weasley, the short woman was clinging to the arm of her husband.

I sat in my usual seat at the dining table picking at my thumbs, Regulus and Remus sat on either side of me, people threw nervous glances over at Regulus, who was looking anywhere other than at the people who were filling up our dining room.

"Thank you all for coming this evening." Dumbledore stood at the head of the table, I held back a scoff as everyone looked up at the bearded man. 

"Dumbledore, would you care to explain what is sat next to Miss Black?" Snape snarled and everyone's attention turned back to my younger brother, I put my hand on his shoulder to attempt some sort of comfort.

"Why have we another Death Eater among us?" Kingsley's eyebrow shot up in concern before sending a suspicious look over at Regulus.

"I do not believe that Mr Black is a Death Eater, nor has he ever been." Dumbldedore smiled at the group of uneasy wizards and witches. 

"We need explanations Albus, Mr Black has been assumed to be dead for the last seventeen years, then he appears out of nowhere."

"Mr Weasley-" I start, Regulus stands up, knees shaking. He glances down at me almost as if he were asking for permission for something, I gave him a small nod and smile.

"Sir, if I may. I'm guessing you know what my parents were like, I was forced into becoming a Death Eater as I was the only heir left, my brother having been sorted into Griffyndor and running away, and my sister was Hufflepuff and refused to join the Death Eaters. So I was left and my mother would not listen to my protests. I knew being a part of the Death Eaters wasn't what I wanted, it wasn't what was right and so one night after He discussed his horcruxes with us, I left the meeting with my elf, Kreacher, and asked him to take me to the location of a certain horcrux, my plan was to destroy it and replace it with a fake. When I arrived, I had to drink this potion which dried out my throat and I nearly got dragged into the lake with the inferi, but Kreacher stopped me, brought me home and managed to save me from dying. I knew I then had to fake my death in order to not have him come and hunt my family and I down, so for the past seventeen years, I've been walled up in my bedroom, Kreacher has supplied me with food and alerted me as to when the house was empty so that I could wander around a bit." Regulus smiles sadly.

An Unexpected Order - Sirius Black's sister!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now