Chapter 12

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"Should we go for a walk?" Sirius suggests, breaking the silence in the kitchen.

"You aren't allowed out, Sirius." Remus gently reminds him, and Sirius scoffs and changes into a dog. I roll my eyes at my older brother.

"And how exactly are we planning on disguising Regulus?" Remus further pushes Sirius, who wagged his tail to signal that he didn't know.

"Don't worry, I have it handled." Regulus grinned before closing his eyes and turning into a raven. He flew over and perched himself on my shoulder. I glanced at Remus and we both stood to go and fetch our shoes and cloaks so we could leave the house.

"You know, we should summon a lead for Sirius so he doesn't go wandering, I know what he's like." Remus joked as we laced up our boots. I smile.

"We should, you know, let me do it now." I pull my wand out and summon a collar and lead, where they came from is a mystery, I probably shouldn't have summoned them as they could have come from anywhere.

I managed to tackle Sirius down and attach them, with the help of Remus who had to hold down the scraggy dog. Remus took hold of the end of the lead and we left the house. I closed the door behind us and we made our way down the pavement.

We walked in silence for the first five minutes, neither Remus nor I knew what to say to each other. After a while I brought up school, knowing it could trigger a good few conversation topics.

"Have you got any stories from school that I've never heard?" I glance sideways at my boyfriend who had a tight grip on Sirius' lead still.

"One time when we were in our fifth year, James, Sirius and I decided it was a great idea to sneak into Hogsmeade at night. We found a passage that took us to the cellar for the Hogs Head, we then found our way into Honeydukes and we stole some chocolate frogs, liquorice wands, and sugar quills before we made our way back to the castle for the evening. James had an invisibility cloak which made our adventure slightly easier as we were less likely to get caught by someone." Remus laughs, I giggle and Sirius lets out an odd barking sound.

"You sneaky bastards." I shake my head. 

"What about you? What stories have you got from school?" Remus turns to look at me, smiling.

"Sadly, none of my stories are quite as interesting as anything you or Sirius did in school. I was quite boring. I think the most interesting thing I ever did was using the ducklifors jinx on Barty Crouch Jr because he was bullying me for being a blood traitor and was calling me some nasty things so I jinxed him." I smile.

"That was you? You mean to tell me that you're the one that turned Barty Crouch Jr into a duck? After all this time, we've all spent years trying to figure out who did it.  James thought it was some random Gryffindor in the year below us, but it was you?" Remus babbled at me, I grin and blush at his shock.

"Yep, it was me. He really pissed me off and the ducklifors jinx was the first one that came to my mind and so I used it on him. I did lose a few house points and get detention for it, but it was worth it. The entirety of his friend group was really shocked, he then avoided me for the rest of the year out of fear that I'd do it again."  I grin.

"I can't believe that. I remember the news of it circulating around the students, but none of us ever caught a name. All we knew was from Dolohov screaming about a 'blood-traitor' having done it, so we had no idea as to who it may have been." 

"Of course it was Dolohov." I scoff, that man pissed me off constantly, being engaged to him was the worst thing ever, those couple of years knowing that I'd soon marry him was agonizing, I hated him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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