#12 - Meeting Hazel

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Warning, this will be weird AF. Like, I was grossing myself out with the thoughts of this!

<Jaidah Harrison>


I locked eyes with my best friend Sarah and her eyes told me 'Go ask him out' and I nodded. Heeey bitchez I'm Jaidah Harrison, the most beautiful girl at Coolridge High, daughter of the one, the only, the famous singer George Harrison. Who is he? Are you asking? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's a joke, right? 'Him' is only the cutest guy in all of Coolridge High, Frank Zhang. He's probably the only kind guy in the year, I feel sorta sorry for him, my plan is to ask him out, we have a good night and I get pregnant, then I leave him so he has to pay Child Support.

I pulled up my mini shorts and pulled down my crop top, revealing as much as I could before strutting over to where my bae Frank was sitting alone. "Hello hot stuff." I purred, he looked up and cringed away from me "Uh... Hi Jaycee." I coughed "Jaidah." I corrected him. He rolled his eyes "Anyway-" I was cut off by the stupid bell going off. Ugh. Science, then health.

When I got to science, fashionably late, as always, I saw that our stupid science teacher had wrote 'TEST TODAY' on the board in huge letters. I turned to Sarah "Ugh. I hate this class and the teacher." I told her, chewing on a piece of gum I had. "Totally, like, same!" She replied and I heard one of the loser girls slap either themselves in the head, or each other. I heard the sigh of their other loser friend (Jessinta) and I giggled.

"This fanfiction is so weird!" The ginger brat muttered "What's happening?" The tall weirdo (I'm sorry if I offend you Abs XD and I know you weren't even there for the test on Friday.) asked "All of the NOTPs are dating, and incest, and NOTPs and grossness." The ginger, whose name is actually Kaya, replied. "Kaya, it's fanfiction, not real life. Chill girl." Jessinta told her. "EW! EW! EW!" The tall girl, Mia agreed with Kaya.

"This is what happens when you introduce the rest of your cabin to Wattpad." Mia told Jessinta who shuddered and replied with "I don't control them and I also don't have that gene. Luckily." I looked up and noticed that our teacher was fuming "HEY! SHUT THE HELL UP YOU IDIOTS!" A lot of the class shut up, afraid of getting bad marks on their grades for behaviour, especially the three. My next bae, Frank was already silent. Me, my friends and a few others kept talking, not caring about our grades. "We have a test!" Ugh. Tests. Apparently this stupid one is on things the others learnt last year, and the year before.

Uh... I think that the heart overall is called the vena cava... And... What hormone does the gland adrenal create? Umm... Love? I looked at Sarah's sheet. She didn't have anything much better, she had written 'Death' and... Um...

"Jaidah, move." The teacher told me
"Because 1- you're still talking and 2- you're copying off of Sarah."
"Uh, no. I'm not moving. Why do I have to move when nobody else has to? And, I'm not copying."
"Yes, you are. And you're not meant to be sitting there anyway."
I rolled my eyes "Because it's totally not stalkerish to watch me for my flaws."

I think I ended up doing a quarter of my work, but it doesn't matter. I checked my timetable and saw that my next class was health, and as a year 9 class, we have to learn about (*shudder*) pregnancy and other things related to that. For the 3rd time, we had to move classrooms. When we were settled in an English classroom, the teacher started "Okay, so we're going to learn about the sperm's journey to the egg." I was sitting behind Kaya by a few rows and saw her turn to one of her other loser friends who doesn't have the same classes as us, Keira.

Kaya whispered something into Keira's ear, which she looked disgusted at. Near the end of the class, we needed to label the egg's development and when it was up to foetus, Kaya started giggling and Keira laughed quietly. (FOETUS ROLLING!!! - Sorry, sorry, I'm really, really sorry, but this is still hilarious, 5 days later. Inside Joke with x-MissUnderstood-x )

"Okay, normally if we finish early, I would let you guys on your iPads or whatever," our teacher began, he's actually a sport teacher, so he's pretty cool "but concerning yesterday's uh... Presentation, there's gonna be a bit of a rant at your year group."

<20 minutes later because I don't want to recount the rant we were given to you guys, it was really boring, almost as boring as the presentation the rant was about>

The rant was actually just some teachers screaming at us for talking during a boring presentation about how our grades need to be amazing to get into our 'senior high school'. Whoops, totally not my fault. And Sarah's, and Petra's. Hehehe... Once we were free, I practically ran to find Frankie Bae. I nearly squealed when I saw him "Frankie Bae!" I screamed "Come over to my house later! My parents aren't home, who knows what might happen!" He looked at me, disgusted "Not happening, I have a girlfriend I don't plan on leaving any time soon." I pursed my lips and giggled, time to put plan B in to action, no-one declines after this!

"Come on sweetie! Get your sperm into my body, I know you want to!" He just looked downright scandalised and started fanning his face, oh my god, he sooo wants me! "Go to Pluto!" He screamed and ran off. He sooo wants me. When I realised that he had ran off, I giggled and skittered after him, calling his name "Frankie Bae! Come back! I know you want me!" When I was outside of the school, I saw Frankie Bae sitting in a tree on his phone "Hazel! Please come and pick me up! I have a bit of a stalker problem!" Who's his stalker? I'll kill them for stalking my Frankie Bae.

5 minutes after I started jumping at the tree to try and reach Frankie Bae, a violet car came into the parking lot and Frankie Bae grabbed his bag and jumped out of the tree, rolling and getting into the car which a girl with golden eyes had previously opened the door of. "Goodbye little stalker!" Frankie Bae yelled out the window, waving to me. Wait... What? I'm his stalker? Frankie Bae! Why are you leaving me?!

Don't ask guys, I was really bored. So, y'know... I sorta made this. I'm disgusted by myself, so are all of my friends who I showed this to.

So... I've been having some problems with a lot of stuff and I've decided to leave Wattpad.

By the way, Happy April Fools Day. Love you all

Okay, see you guys.

~Dreameh 🌈⭐️

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