#23 - Solangelo AU

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What occurs in this chapter is vaguely based off of something that actually happened to me. Also, surprise! I'm not dead!

The AU is that they aren't demigods in this one but other than that majority of the stuff is still same.

<Nico P.O.V>

Nico adjusted the bow tie around his neck in discomfort as he looked out the window. He had a single headphone in his ear so he would be able to hear Will's pointless blabbering from next to him while they were on the bus. "Are you excited?" Nico asked and he didn't receive a response so he sighed.

Will did this occasionally, he would zone out completely for a few minutes after he took a weird selfie and then mindlessly say whatever first came to his mind. Nico was highly anticipating the random fact that Will was about to state.

A few minutes passed with silence between Nico and Will and there was noise all around them. Nico frowned as Will stayed silent for longer than normal. "Will?" Nico asked, concerned for the blonde boy.

"...I love you..." he muttered subconsciously then realised who he was saying it to, became bright red and yelled, "Oh god! I'm so sorry!" in embarrassment.

Nico merely blinked at this, not surprised at all. "Why aren't you embarrassed?" Knowing that his cousin Percy had been listening, he said the older boy's name and said boy simply stated, "You've been dating Nico for over a year Will. You say that to him nearly every day." Will still looked flustered.

"But what if it wasn't you who was sitting next to me? I would've been so mad at myself." Will argued. Nico rose an eyebrow in disbelief. "Would you really though? The only other person you've done this to is your mum. The first reason is because I doubt you'd sit next to anyone who would care. Also, as long as you don't start making out with a random and you say it accidentally, it's okay with me." He retorted and Will still looked unconvinced.

"This discussion is over Will. Also, I love you too." Will spluttered at Nico's words and blushed and put his face in his hands. "Ugh. Why? I hate you for making me a mess like this, di Angelo." Nico smirked at this, knowing he had won. "We're here! Aquarium!" Percy shouted and Nico rolled his eyes at his cousin's behaviour before everyone started to leave the bus. He may not have wanted to go to this, but he still knew that the night was going to be fun. He was sure of it. He then hissed in discomfort as Will took a photo of him with flash on.

"Nooo! Don't delete it! That's a nice photo of you! You're smiling. I didn't mean to take the photo with flash on but you looked nice." Will argued as Nico took his phone with one hand and was struggling to pull it out of his hands. "But what about the other one you took after that?" He asked and Will smiled innocently. "What second one?" Nico glared at him because he knew he was lying but then let go and Will fell backwards. "You can keep that photo. I have my own blackmail anyway."

Tada! It's hella short but that can't be made into something long because it wasn't too long of an experience. So what happened was my best friend said I love you to me and she was so embarrassed bc she thought she was in the car with her mum for some reason (lmao).

I may make a part 2... depending on how I feel bc as I get involved with new fandoms, I loose inspiration for my older fandoms and this is one of my oldest fandoms.

Enjoy the holidays if you're on them! And if not then I hope school isn't too troublesome.

Also, please don't get too obsessed with Kpop if you haven't begun listening to it and you plan on doing so. I'm stuck in the hells that include BTS, SEVENTEEN, SHINee, EXO and many others. 😓


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