Wonder Woman vs Jason Voorhees Pt. 3

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A/N: Hey readers! I know, another late update and I'm so sorry. I know I was meaning to put this up much sooner and do the next bit by now, but things have been crowded lately. But, we won't get into that yet. For now, on with the story.

With Jason's sudden appearance, the campers all around began to disperse in a great panic. The counselors hurried to direct everyone to safety as the masked killer brought out his machete and began stalking his prey. A few of the brave counselors and even campers tried to stop Jason, only to be knocked down, shoved off, or cut down by his signature weapon. Steve quickly grabbed Tommy by his arm to rush him to safety. While at the same time, tightly holding the bag with his "insurance policy" while running.

"Oh, God! He's here for me!" Tommy noted with fear as they created a safe distance between them and the camp slasher.

"Relax, kid, you're gonna be fine!" Steve assured as they stopped so he could take out the large Sniper Rifle he had in his duffel bag.

Jason laid waste to the final camper he could get to before setting his deadly sights on the pair ahead. Steve rushed to get the rifle set up as Tommy alerted him of the approaching threat. Jason quickly walked with his machete in hand, ready to cut down his long time nemesis, along with the other intruder right by his side.

"Come on! Hurry!" Tommy urged.

"I'm trying! The damn thing won't- *finally gets the latch down* there we go!"

Steve aimed the sniper loaded with explosive rounds right at Jason as he drew closer. The masked killer raised his machete, ready to spill more blood.


Steve sent Jason flying away with a hole directly in the center of his chest. Jason hit the ground hard and laid motionless with smoke rising from his body. He seemed dead, but Steve knew he had to confirm the kill. He slowly reached his feet and carefully advanced on the body, keeping the gun right on the killer's position. Tommy watched with much anticipation, praying he truly was dead. Steve moved right on Jason's lifeless figure, kicking him in the shin to search for a reaction. Jason never moved, didn't even twitch. His eyes were sealed shut, no movement or breathing from his body, and the hole in his chest was big enough to stuff a rock inside.

He was as dead as they get.

Steve lowered his weapon before turning back towards Tommy with a smirk.

"It's alright, it's over now"

Tommy sighed in relief before turning back towards the slasher, who slowly started to rise back up with his machete in hand.


Steve whipped around with eyes wide as Jason swung at him with the machete. Thankfully, Steve wasn't harmed, but the gun was knocked away as he instinctively fell back. Jason quickly rose to his feet as Steve tried to crawl away. It wasn't fast enough however as Jason glared down at him with his weapon raised. Steve staring up in fear as this was to be the end of his run.


A shining golden lasso wrapped around his waist and yanked Jason away before he could finish Steve off. The Killer of Camp Crystal Lake went flying high as he took a quick journey all the way across the camp. The lasso detached from Jason's waist as he began lowering behind the trees and vanished from Steve's line of sight. His gaze lowered to see Diana glancing at him with a smirk.

"What would you do without me?" She shook her head as Steve sighed in relief.

Wonder Woman flew off in the direction she sent Jason in before Tommy rushed to Steve's aid

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