Wonder Woman vs. Jason Voorhees Pt. 2

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Diana and Steve left the hospital and headed straight for Camp Crystal Lake with the rental car they had. It wasn't far from the hospital, so it wouldn't take them long to arrive there.

"Of course, on all days, this had to be on Friday the 13th" Steve stated as he drove them to their destination.

"What makes you say that?" Diana giggled.

"All the weird crap always happens on Friday the 13th" Diana giggled again.

She checked under her garments to make sure her suit was on correctly one more time. Once she was sure, she straightened her regular clothes back out.

"Diana, I know this one's personal for you, but are you sure about this? I mean, we don't even know what we'll be in for when we get there"

"I didn't know what I was in for when you brought me off of Themyscira, nor did you" she noted.

"Yea, good point" he scoffed. "But are you sure you don't wanna call.. Etta Candy or your other friends for knowledge?"

"Etta's on vacation, I don't want to distract her from that" she noted almost angrily.

"Ok, but what about Bruce or Clark? Just somebody who can give us intel?"

"Donna said the camp had some sort of bad history or legend. I'm sure somebody there can tell us what it is. Besides, Clark must be busy and Bruce is probably asleep by now"

"You think whatever was going on with it in the past is happening again?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Only one way to find out" she said before glancing over at him. "Why does this mission bother you so much? We've faced many unknown threats before"

"We have, just never had to deal with a bunch of screaming, hormonal teenagers before" he noted like it was the worst thing imaginable, causing Diana to giggle.

"You'll be fine"

Five minutes later and they reached the camp. They drove up to the dirty little parking lot by the Office Cabin and exited the car. All around them they saw trees, bright beautiful sunshine, wooden cabins, campers all wearing the same uniforms, plenty of open space for them, and the lake itself. The campers were all either hanging out, doing some outdoor activity or just playing around.

"Well, this is definitely it" Steve stated as they walked down to the Office Cabin, glancing around to admire their surroundings.

"It's a beautiful place" Diana noted.

"Yea, aside from the trashy, chaotic wildlife" Steve grumbled and Diana laughingly smiled.

As they walked up to the main building, a lady wearing one of the counselor uniforms walked out with a clipboard. One of the the others had informed her about the two strange arrivals and she came out to meet with them. Given the timing and how they looked, she thought they could've been detectives or news people. She was a mid-thirties woman with short dark hair and carried herself like someone who was fun but tolerated no nonsense.

"Hi there, is there something I can do for you folks?" she asked as she walked down the steps to meet them.

"Yes, hi" Steve greeted her. "My name is Steve Trevor and this is Diana Prince. We're-"

"Diana Prince? Donna's sister?" she asked and Diana nodded.

"Yes" she smiled.

"Wow, this is such a pleasure. She speaks about you so much" she offered her hand and Diana shook it. "How is she?"

"Doing much better, thankyou"

"Of course" she smiled back. "Oh, my name is Cynthia Whitman, I'm the Head Counselor here"

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