Wonder Woman vs. Jason Voorhees Part 1

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Camp Crystal Lake; Thursday, June 12th

Stephanie Danvers, a young beautiful girl and one of the latest to attend the summer camp event, had snuck out of her shared cabin for a late-night stroll in the woods. She was walking through the endless path of trees, leaves and bushes with no flashlight, just a hoodie for comfort and a little secret pathway to follow. She traveled further into the woods, which was a good distance away from the cabin. She was getting close to the spot that was her destination.

Then suddenly, she heard something snap.

She knew it wasn't her because it was at a distance, a close distance. She jumped from the startling sound and glanced around to see what could've caused it. There were no animals in sight, nothing big enough to cause that at least. She then started to hear some ruffling around.

"Who's there?" she asked with a demanding, yet fearful, tone.

She was on full alert, watching and listening for any possible threat. All she could hear at this point was the usual forest sounds; crickets, howling, hooting, the nearby water, even the wind. She started to think maybe it was nothing, just the woods getting to her. She tried to step carefully, continuing along her path while staying alert. Nothing appeared to be close by.



Kevin, her boyfriend, laughed as she realized it was him, slapping him hard on the shoulder.

"God Kevin, I'm gonna kill you!" she silently shouted.

"Sorry babe, you know I can't resist a good opportunity. Especially, when it involves you" he pulled her in for a heated, passionate kiss.

"I'm still gonna kill you" she warned after a minute.

"So, have at it" he grinned, and the kiss continued.

"Hey!" they jumped apart as a flashlight nearly blinded them.

The couple cursed and sighed upon being caught, not even trying to run.

"Well, well, well, I guess there's always got to be that one couple" the counselor stated as she turned off her flashlight.

"Come on Donna, we just wanted some time alone" Stephanie attempted to reason.

"Then get a hotel room. Come on, let's go" Donna Troy, a.k.a. Wonder Girl, ordered.

The couple glanced at each other with sighs and eyerolls before returning to the path they came from.

"It wasn't even gonna be for that long" Stephanie complained as they started walking.

"Yea, and it's not like we were doing anything bad" Kevin followed.

"Yea, yea, keep going" she walked right behind them as they went back up the path.

"You know, what is with you?" Stephanie asked as they walked. "Ever since you got here, you've been all... guard dog, G.I. Jane"

"I take my job very seriously" she just shrugged, glancing around the wilderness as they walked.

"Whatever" she retorted. "This is so not fair"

"I can always report you to the other counselors, but I'm nice like that" she noted with a slight smirk.

"You know what, you're not as high and mighty as you may like to think" Kevin now tried to show her up.

"Oh, and you are?" she raised an eyebrow as she walked up to him.

Kevin was hesitant before replying.

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