Batman vs. Freddy Krueger Part 3

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Later that day, nighttime had fallen and the Batman was suited up and ready to fight. He and Alfred had planned out everything they needed to and set the perfect playing field. This nightmare showdown between the night's darkest individuals would take place not in Gotham, not in the Batcave, but inside the old Wayne manor. Bruce and Alfred had moved away from the old mansion about twenty years ago for a long list of personal reasons. They paid visits to it here and there, and they were now using it to take down the dream demon. The plan was, Batman would go under in his suit, find a way to fight Freddy and get a good hold on him, then Alfred would trigger the shock defenses in Bruce's suit and wake him up, thus bringing Krueger out with him. Afterwards, Alfred would take the double-barrel shotgun, which was loaded with explosive rounds, and send Krueger straight to hell. Of course, Bruce also had contingency plans in case this didn't quite go as planned. But now, it was time to get to work and take this monster down.

"Alright sir, the traps are all set, the whole building's on lockdown, everything is in order" the butler informed as they walked to the resting room they arranged.

"And I assume you're locked and loaded?" he asked as he checked everything in his suit one more time.

"Of course, sir" he carried the shotgun in his left hand, already loaded.

They arrived at the guest bedroom they had set up upstairs and just stopped and stared for a moment. The bed was right in the middle of the dark room. And right next to it, sat the syringe with the dosage Bruce would need in order to fall asleep.

"Are you... sure about this sir?" Alfred had to check.

Bruce hesitated before answering.

"Not really, but it won't be the first time"

"Are you especially sure about doing this here?"

Bruce smirked from knowing what he really meant.

"I'll be fine Alfred. Besides, this place is the safest and furthest away from anyone he can use to crawl back into the dreams. It's our best chance"

"Whatever you say sir"

Bruce went over to the bed and sat on the same side that was by the syringe. Alfred went over into the corner where he watched Bruce inject himself under the glove. The dark knight then strapped on his mask and took in a deep breath, preparing himself for the coming battle.

"The night is darkest just before the dawn, and the dawn always comes"

He laid flat on the bed as Alfred sat in his corner, the gun in one hand, and the other holding the control button to the suit's shock defenses. The butler anxiously watched as his caped crusader drifted to sleep, ready to take the shot when needed. The Bat took in one last breath before closing his eyes and slowly drifting off, Nancy's words echoing in his head.

"Every person carries some type of power, something from the best of their dreams. If your friend can find that power, he'll be able to fight him inside the dream"

When Batman opened his eyes again, he was in the dream. He knew because he could feel it. He sat up to see he was still in the same room, but Alfred was gone. He got out of bed and began searching for his new nemesis. He headed back downstairs, believing that would be his best option. He searched all around for the villain but caught no sight of him so far. He then noticed a dim light coming from the basement door. The dark knight wasted no time in going to investigate. However, when he stepped down the basement stairs, it wasn't anything like what he remembered. In fact, it wasn't even a basement. It appeared to be a big boiler room. Batman remembered that a boiler room was where Freddy took all his victims. He must have considered this his home.

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