nineteen <3

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carrying on from the last chapter <3

tw: talk of sa, anxiety, drugs

athena pov- wake up #1

"athena? are you awake?" the soft voice of who i thought was ranboo spoke.

i still wasn't sober. my head was pounding, my stomach was screaming, and my mind was running with thoughts.

"mm...?" i hummed quietly, trying to keep my eyes open.

"try and stay awake for me, okay?" he turned his head to face me. well i think so anyway. my vision was blurry and distorted. i couldn't really make anything out.

i tried to stay awake. i really did. i also tried to say something, but i just couldn't form the words.

i finally succumbed to my tiredness, and let myself drift back off to sleep.

wake up #2

i opened my eyes to see ranboos face from below.

he was carrying me, i was outside in the pitch black.

but i was still tired as fuck.

i again, tried to speak, but all i could get out was a weird grumble sound.

i gave into my heavy eyes, and fell black into slumber.

wake up #3

i woke up to a room of white.

"mm" i mumbled, looking over to see a beeping heart rate monitor.

i was in a hospital? why was i in a hospital?

i opened my eyes a little wider and blinked to see a little better.

"athena?" ranboo spoke in a quiet, soft voice.

thank god he was here.

"why am i here?" my voice was very raspy, but at least i could now actually use my voice box.

i wasn't drunk anymore.

"declan drugged you, athena" he placed a gentle hand on my arm. "you got your stomach pumped"

tears filled my eyes.

he drugged me. i was stupid. drunk. and i got drugged by declan.

"oh" i sat up and bought my legs up to me.

"ranboo?" my voice broke.


"i don't know how to say this without breaking down" i wiped a stray tear from my face.

"take you're time, don't feel pressured."

"he's um- declan has been- um" my voice continued to break as tears fell down my face. "sexually assaulting me-" i cut myself off by bursting out into tears.

i feel so weak. so vulnerable.

he rubbed his hand up and down my arm, comforting me.

"he made me pretend i was his girlfriend" i sobbed, looking up at ranboo.

"he made sure i didn't tell you. he has pictures of your face! he forced me. please don't hate me" i cried into my knees.

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