thirty- two<3

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chapter 32 matching 32k reads! i cannot thank you guys enough!

also i spent the entire morning reading my own fanfic idk why but i did so yeah

athena pov

"PUT ME DOWN YOU PSYCHO" i screeched, kicking sapnap relentlessly as he carried me into the sea.

"that is very very offensive athena. i may just have to-" he cut himself off by dropping me into the cold water.

"oh you are going to regret that" i smiled, attempting to chase after him.

"oh no you don't" ranboo said from behind me , wrapping his hands around my bare stomach and pulling me back from chasing sapnap.

"NICE ONE RANBOO" sapnap shouted, thanking ranboo for holding me back.

"uh- hey!" i complained, spinning around. my body burned where his hands had just been. i genuinely need to stop this. ranboo and i, never gonna happen.

his eyes were staring directly into mine and a small smile was painted on his face.

and for a moment it was as if the world went quiet. as if it was just him and i.

our faces were only about 20 centimetres apart. maybe if i just closed the gap between us. it felt right. it felt perfectly right.

but did i do it? no.

i quickly splashed him with water to break the trance we were in. he did the same back and then pulled a sapnap and literally picked me up.

"HEY! NOT YOU ASWELL!" i laughed as i got hauled about, my stomach folded over his shoulder.

"jeez you really are tall" i said , patting his back lightly with my hands.

"you do know my back isn't a drum, right?" he spoke, and i could hear him smile through his words.

"yes, it is. to me it is anyway" i grinned, continuing to tap on his back.

"okay. whatever you say" he chuckled at me light heartedly.

time skip

i switched off the shower and wrapped myself in a towel before stepping out.

"athena?" a voice called, followed by a knock on my bedroom door.

i was in the on suite so the knock and the voice sounded a bit muffled and distant.

i was about to say, 'hey, please wait there i am borderline naked and have no clothes in the room i am currently in' but whoever knocked and called my name took it upon themselves to just walk into my room.

"athena?" the voice said again. except now i recognised. ranboo.

"oh- i'm in here ranboo." i sighed, wrapping the towel a little tighter around my body.

"i came here to hang i'm bored how long are u gonna be" i heard him fall onto my bed as he spoke.

"uh" is all i could muster. "can you um... pass me the clothes? on the- on the bed? please?" i asked nervously, embarrassment burning my face.

"uh yeah sure" i heard him stand up and approach the door.

this was about to get ten times awkwarder.

i unlocked the door and stood behind it slightly, reaching my arm out to grab the clothes.

"thanks" i mumbled, taking the clothes and closing the door again.

that was definitely the way i wanted this evening to go. mhm. yep. definitely. awesome.

i slipped into the set of pyjamas and put two braids into my wet hair.

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