Chapter 11: A Battleship's Battle-Songs

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This particular winter was a ferocious one. In daytime the weather would be cloudy but bright, and snow would occasionally fall.

At night, it was as if the base was in the Antarctic. Violent winds would howl in the darkness, generating penetrating blizzards. Any ships (who weren't the Northern Parliament or Oregon) who dared venture outside at night had to bundle up in the highest definition. Some even had to wear goggles to protect their eyes from the piercing snow.

The ocean outside the port was so violent that the Christmas visitors were forced to stay, lest they risk even their advanced ships capsizing, not to mention getting horribly lost.

Thankfully the harbor itself was calmer compared to the open ocean, but waves of uncomfortable size would still appear from time to time.

The usual patrols, especially the few at night, had to be greatly reduced to lessen the chance of losing ships.

Every time a patrol had to be arranged, volunteers had to be called. The faction leaders weren't about to order their ships to endure weather like this.

The Christmas visitors did finally get to meet Oregon, though not in a way they expected.

A music festival took place in late January, with ships from the Eagle Union and Royal Navy showing off their skills, either alone or together as small groups. They also invited the other factions to participate.

As it was an official event formal dress was required.

The instruments were varied, from Shokaku playing quiet but exquisite songs on her flute to South Dakota and her grand piano.

After the scheduled performances King George V got on stage, clad in her bright red dress. She curtsied expertly, as only a Royal Navy capital ship could.

"I welcome everyone who came to this festival, and congratulate those who performed. Please, let's have a round of applause for them and their wonderful music!"

Everyone present did as asked. The music had been excellent, after all.

"I have a special announcement to make. A ship which some of you have not met yet has asked if they could participate, and so they shall be the final player tonight. Please welcome...USS Oregon!"

A person dressed in a naval officer's winter dress uniform walked onto the stage to applause from the crowd. To the Crimson Axis ships' surprise the person was male.

"Good evening, everyone. For those who are seeing me for the first time I am Oregon, the mystery ship you have likely heard rumors about.

"I wish to play a song for you, and I will need the assistance of a few certain shipgirls for it."

A small group of preselected ships, among them Hornet and Aurora, joined Oregon on the stage.

Oregon summoned an acoustic guitar, which appeared in a sparkle of small bright blue cubes. "I call this song 'More Gun'."

After the chilling ending, everyone clapped. This song was a style none had heard before, and its was glorious.

After Oregon's assistants left the stage, he remained standing. "Sorry to ask a question out of the blue, but are you familiar with battle-songs? Back in my day famous ships often had songs and poems written about them and their actions, and I actually had two written for me. One is my battle-song, and I'd like to share it."

A Bulldog's Legacy (USS Oregon in Azur Lane)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu